What will the weather be like for the May viaduct?

Will the sun be out for those lucky people who don’t work this week on the two public holidays? According to the Weather Channel, the answer is: YES. “Sunshine, often lacking in France this spring, will regain strength,” the organization indicated on social networks on Tuesday. An improvement which will begin on Wednesday.

According to its latest bulletin, “dry and pleasant weather” is expected for “the whole country” and for “the five days of the Ascension Bridge”, specified the Weather Channel.

A slight rise in temperatures

In the north and north-west of France, the sun will gradually return, from Wednesday onwards, with lots of brightening through the clouds. At the other end of the country, across the entire Mediterranean basin, the sky will be very clear, with temperatures reaching 19 to 22°C, depending on Meteo France.

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This weather should stabilize on Thursday and spread across the country. In Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, it will be 23°C and 22°C in Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

On Friday, the weather forecast calls for up to 24°C in Lyon and Rouen and 26°C in Toulouse. During the weekend, this trend should be confirmed, according to La Chaîne Météo which predicts “softer, but also drier air will gradually rise over France”. “The Atlantic disturbances will be blocked, and will not affect the country, allowing us to finally have drier weather,” the organization developed.

A situation that will not last

But this sunny interlude will not last, announced the weather channels. “From Sunday, our models foresee a return to more unstable and stormy weather, with again weak anticyclonic pressure,” estimated the institute, which emphasizes that these are the beginnings of a “more mixed” week.

From May 13, the weather will be “rainy” and “significantly cooler” and could last for a long time. “You will therefore have to take advantage of the good weather if you have the opportunity to carry out this large bridge,” concluded La Chaîne Météo.

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