“We trans people are like everyone else! », says Karla Sofía Gascón, star of the new Audiard

“We, the “trans”, are like everyone else! » Spanish actress Karla Sofía Gascón, headliner of the most talked about film in the race for the Palme d’Or in Cannes, proudly claimed a form of right to normality at a press conference this Sunday. “I am neither more intelligent nor more stupid, because I am trans,” the actress declared at a press conference. Emilia Perez who plays, before and after his gender transition, the role of a drug lord who becomes a woman.

Karla Sofía Gascón, 52, began her transition at 46, already with an established career, a wife and a child. She released an autobiographical book which exposes her to homophobia and transphobia. “On the networks, you type the word “trans” and all that comes up is porn or insults,” she regretted during the festival. “I have received death threats just for existing.” “As a trans woman, it’s a double penalty” to have the right “to have control over your body”.

“We are normal people”

However, “we are not “trans”, we are first and foremost human beings. (…) We are normal people, it’s anecdotal to be “trans”. A transgender person is a person who is going through a transition. Once she has passed through it, she is no longer in transition. She is what she is,” she insisted again.

The actress woke up Sunday to rave reviews for her performance in Emilia Perez. The day after its screening, many are predicting an award for this extraordinary musical by Frenchman Jacques Audiard. Even a second Palme d’Or for its director, already crowned in 2015 for Dheepan.

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