Nearly 20% of students do not have enough to eat in France, according to the first student union

The glass – and the fridge – half empty. The Federation of General Student Associations (Fage), the first student union, concretely demonstrates the precariousness of students with a survey, published this Wednesday, which was conducted among 7,531 students from September 23 to December 10, 2023 via an online questionnaire. It shows, reports France Bleuthat nearly 19% of students do not have enough to eat.

No fruits and vegetables every week

28% of scholarship students declare that they do not have enough to eat and 16% of non-scholarship students. If, in university restaurants, prices are controlled with a meal costing 3.30 euros on average, these prices are already too high for one in five non-scholarship students. The study shows that they skip more than three meals per week (3.5). The survey also highlights that almost half of students give up buying fruit and vegetables every week, because their prices are too high.

Around 41% of students report working alongside their studies, which can harm their academic success. Based on the findings of its investigation, Fage calls in particular for catering pricing of one euro for all students, whether on scholarships or not, and the establishment of catering services for students on all training sites. .

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