NDR Hamburg: Report by the anti-corruption officer exonerates Rossbach | NDR.de – News

Status: 10/24/2022 7:00 p.m

The audit of the independent anti-corruption officers at the NDR Landesfunkhaus Hamburg has been completed. It was about allegations that state broadcasting director Sabine Rossbach had placed events of a PR agency, of which her daughter is a co-owner, in the program. No cases of corruption were identified in this context.

The allegations against Sabine Rossbach turned out to be false, according to a press release published by the NDR on Monday. Irrespective of this, Rossbach reaffirms her decision, made in September, to make her office available for a new start at the Landesfunkhaus Hamburg on April 1, 2023 due to the loss of trust between her and parts of the editorial team.

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