“Mysterious Cities of Gold”, “Sophie’s Misfortunes”… Bernard Deyriès in “the big leagues”

This summer is the big dive into our TV memories. First shocks, first tears, first laughter… The cartoons of our childhood were able to awaken our emotions. Because we owe them that, we are going for the next two weeks to meet the parents of the heroes of our afternoons. Of the Mysterious Cities of Gold until Sat SatThis podcast wants to be a nice generational crossing to meet designers, directors and French producers whose works often precede the name. All of them will tell us the story of their cartoons… and theirs.

In this first episode of our series, it is the father of Esteban, Ulysse and Sophie whom we meet in his native town of Tours. From a very young age, Bernard Deyriès sketched Walt Disney characters and it was finally in the 1970s that his sketches became real projects. At the time, he seized every opportunity. His encounters lead him to Japan where he will produce Ulysses 31 and the cults Mysterious Cities of Gold.

Invigorating and above all fruitful Japanese collaborations since they will be crowned with great success in France. Back home, Bernard Deyriès will realize a childhood dream: to adapt the books with which he learned to read, those of the Countess of Ségur. With Sophie’s misfortunehe will choose to show children the dramas of life.

“Club Cartoons” is a summer series of the podcast ” Summer in your ears “. You can listen to all the episodes of this series on 20minutes.fr or on your favorite listening platform or app, Deezer, Spotify, Apple Podcasts

And you, what are the cartoons that marked your childhood? Tell us by writing to us at: [email protected]

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