Mustafa Suleyman’s AI bestseller “The Coming Wave” – ​​Culture

In “The Coming Wave,” AI pioneer Mustafa Suleyman describes what happens when AI, robotics, biotech and quantum physics combine.

Mustafa Suleyman calls the upcoming event “The Coming Wave” and sees this approaching wave as one of the greatest challenges for humanity. The challenge when artificial intelligence, robotics, biotech and quantum physics come together to form a whole. There are good reasons to believe Suleyman. He was one of the three brilliant founders of the London AI start-up Deepmind. Even though the other former start-up Open AI is currently dominating the headlines, the laboratory that Suleyman launched with Demis Hassabis and Shane Legg in 2010 remains the actual driving force of AI development to this day. There are no circus horses like Chat-GPT or Dall-E for the masses to play around with. But the so-called large language models of the current boom in generative AI are still an immature technology that could well turn out to be a dead end.

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