Municipalities: The country needs more drinking fountains

Status: 08/21/2022 12:00 p.m

So far there are very few public drinking water wells in Germany. The federal government now wants to oblige local authorities to change that. But that’s not so easy.

They’ve been around for centuries in southern European countries, and they’re just as standard in US high schools and colleges today. Drinking water fountains are a simple solution to quench your thirst in hot summers like this one, even in Germany.

Federal government is committed to more wells

The catch: Although the EU issued a drinking water directive in 2020 that is intended to make access to clean water easier for citizens, little has happened so far. Most recently, the federal government reacted with a cabinet decision: In future, drinking water from the mains must be freely available in as many public places as possible.

Municipalities should set up drinking water fountains in parks, pedestrian zones and shopping arcades, for example, provided this is technically feasible and meets local needs. Easily available drinking water is now an important component of municipal heat action plans.

grants from the country

In federal states such as Bavaria or Rhineland-Palatinate there are already funding programs for municipal drinking water wells. In Rhineland-Palatinate, 52 municipalities have applied for funding. That would mean a subsidy of 4,000 euros from the state for each well.

In Saarland they are not that far yet. The city of Saarbrücken is nevertheless planning new wells and is currently determining the costs for them. And this despite the fact that the experience with the only drinking water fountain in the city so far is not the best.

In 2008, a fountain was installed on the central Landwehrplatz, opposite a theater and a school, and it was used a lot. Also by recreational athletes who play basketball there, for example. However, there was always vandalism, which culminated in the entire fountain being stolen, but now it was put back up again.

Costs of up to 15,000 euros

But the city is not deterred by this. Against the background of climate change, the goal is to install several fountains in the city. That costs the city 10,000 to 15,000 euros, because the entertainment is not cheap due to the high standards of hygiene and water quality. With the exception of one button, the fountains must function without contact.

This is to prevent the spread of bacteria as much as possible. In addition, it must be ensured that the water remains cool at all times – even in hot temperatures. There are currently around 1,300 drinking fountains in Germany. Less than ten in Saarland. According to the city of Saarbrücken, state or federal funding is an important prerequisite for the installation.

Municipalities in Saarland are following suit

In the Altheim district of Blieskastel, however, it also works without a subsidy program. Altheim is on the Way of St. James and numerous cycle paths cross there. Three years ago, the local council came up with the idea of ​​building a fountain for hikers and cyclists.

The stele cost around 14,000 euros. Paid for from the local budget and with funds from the Ministry of the Environment. The water costs are sponsored by the Stadtwerke. The old people are proud of their fountain. The installation was therefore properly celebrated – with the “Kranewasserfest” – the tap water festival.

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