Munich: There is a dispute about extending the rent freeze – Munich

Mayor Dieter Reiter has promised to maintain the price cap for urban apartments beyond 2024. But the city council is still puzzling over where the money will come from. And the city’s housing companies also have objections.

What Munich’s mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) said so easily in the summer is obviously not so easy to implement: the promise he made at the end of August to extend the rent freeze for city apartments, which was decided in 2019 and is valid until mid-2024, “for everyone case until the end of my term of office, however long that may be,” is still waiting to be redeemed. The issue is on the planning committee’s agenda on Wednesday, but according to city council circles, it is expected to be postponed to the general meeting on November 29th. Too many questions are currently still open.

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