Munich: 24-year-old is attacked at the main train station – Munich

A young man was the victim of a robbery at the main train station on Friday night. According to the police, the 24-year-old was waiting for the tram on Arnulfstrasse when several men spoke to him. One of them is said to have hit him in the face with his fist, another is said to have taken a bag that the man had with him. When a passer-by came to his aid, the perpetrators fled without taking anything.

One of them, a 27-year-old without a permanent residence in Germany, was arrested by the police during an immediate search. The other two are described as follows: One of the men is said to be about 1.75 meters tall, have dark skin and shoulder-length dreadlocks and speak English. The other, 40 to 50 years old, is said to be about 1.77 meters tall, has a strong build, an “Eastern European appearance” and short, dark blonde hair and speaks broken German.

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