“Moralophobia” by Jörg-Uwe Albig: How to defend morality – culture

Cancel culture, “Gendergaga” warning proles and corona measures fighters: It is the very sharp sword with which writer Jörg-Uwe Albig wants to go into battle against the apologists of moral coldness. Will he save the discourse?


Hilmar Klute

Of course it was a matter of time before the first non-fiction books against the new moralism and the cancel culture from the Peter Hahne corner would appear in the light of elevated essay writing. This year, some new books on the subject can be found in the publisher’s catalogues. It will deal with the supposedly worldwide rampant tendency to moral correction, the resulting insecurity of certain social groups will be documented with examples of the social and cultural damage will be quantified. As if to administer an antidote as a precaution, the writer Jörg-Uwe Albig wrote an essay about the notorious, sometimes, as the book title suggests, pathological aversion to moral stipulations: “Moralophobia”.

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