Markt Indersdorf: police operation at the high school after the threat of amok – Dachau

On a girl tile of the Gymnasium Markt Indorsdorf (GMI), two students of the 9th grade have found a threatening lubricant last Tuesday. As a spokesman for the Dachau police confirmed when asked, the two notified the GMI secretariat after they had scrawled “Amoklauf 16.03.” on the inside door of a girls’ toilet. had found. Originally, the date of last Sunday, March 13, should have been on the door. However, the author probably crossed out the 13 and replaced it with a 16.

Headmaster Thomas Höhenleitner immediately informed the police, but after consultation with the officials, he decided to hold regular school lessons on Wednesday and not to inform the students about the find for the time being. According to their own statements, the police came to the conclusion that the threat situation was “not serious”. A spokesman did not provide details of how the officials came to this assessment. Headmaster Höhenleiter explained, however, that there were several indications of “a very bad student joke”.

The police have started the investigation

As for the author or the author of the threat, Höhenleitner believes that the person was probably unaware of what they have triggered with the lubrication. Even an incorrect amok threat is an offense. The police are investigating “disturbing the public peace by threatening to commit a crime”. However, the cause of the smearing has not yet been determined.

For safety, on Wednesday, according to the police, several local officials were on site, and further protective measures were taken in consultation with the school administration. Among other things, the school management blocked all access to the school, and afternoon classes were also canceled. The Höhenleitner then informed the parents of the children about the incidents in an e-mail. It says: “We hope that our efforts to largely maintain teaching operations, especially after a precise assessment of the situation by the police, will meet with your understanding.” In fact, he had not received any feedback from his parents to the contrary by Thursday afternoon, according to Höhenleitner.

Headmaster Thomas Höhenleitner is impressed by the reaction of his students.

(Photo: Toni Heigl)

On Thursday, the teachers spoke in the first hour with their students talked about the situation, says Höhenleitner. He asked the teachers to explain the incidents and to explain that at all times a collaboration with police existed. In addition, it has given the opportunity for particularly burdened students to take a break and to ask individually after support. However, this offer did not perceive the student property until noon. Höhenleitner was particularly impressed by the students who discovered the graffiti. “It was spot on to report that,” he said. The students would also have “bravely held” and nothing. Although it came to rumors under the student, because others had discovered the lubrication, but panic was not broken.

Meanwhile, it remains unclear whether the amok threats might have been inspired by a TikTok challenge. Already at the end of last year various media reported similar incidents. At that time, the Coburg police and the leadership of the Schulzentrum Haßfurt suspected that children and adolescents of videos in the social network Tiktok were stopped to announce in toilets amocleaves with the intention, fear and chaos.

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