Marc Fesneau criticized for deeming summer temperatures “fairly normal”

The Minister of Agriculture Marc Fesneau was severely criticized on Saturday, in particular by the paleoclimatologist Valérie Masson-Delmotte, for having assured that the temperatures were “fairly normal for a summer”. Asked about France Inter about the drought and the low level of groundwater, Marc Fesneau replied that we were facing “a situation which has stabilized”.

“In our misfortune, it rained in the spring, there was even more than 10% of precipitation on the whole of the hexagonal territory”, he indicated, rejoicing that it was not necessary to take “in the aquifers for agricultural needs”. “And then of course, we all have that in front of us, we didn’t have extreme temperatures. We have temperatures that are quite normal for a summer at the bottom, ”he continued.

“When will our politicians understand? »

“The month of June was 2.6°C above normal, the second hottest month of June after 2003”, retorted on Twitter the famous climatologist Valérie Masson-Delmotte, deploring the use of the term normal for qualify the temperatures. A few hours later, the minister replied: “I absolutely agree with what you are saying and I am fully aware of the global warming and the mortal danger for the future of humanity”, tweeted Fesneau. He also noted: “This year, overall, and to date, it is a slightly less dry start to summer than 2022 and less severe heat waves than last year with, on the other hand, a higher average temperature. »

Other influential personalities reacted, such as agroclimatology Serge Zaka. “When will our politicians understand and take on the challenges of climate change? “, he lamented on Twitter. June was the second hottest month ever recorded in the country and Météo-France has placed several departments on heatwave orange vigilance since last Tuesday.

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