Laughing & Shooting Society Munich: Till Hofmann about the impending end – Munich

Organizer Till Hofmann reacts to the imminent end of the “Laughter & Shooting Society”: What he advises Bruno Jonas, how everything could be put back together and whether he himself would get back into this cabaret institution, which is unique in Germany.

Till Hofmann speaks with a basic calm, as if he is being chatted up while walking down the street or is on a cultural mission somewhere. It is a little surprising that he talks so calmly on Wednesday afternoon. Because it’s about a very emotional thing, the possible demise of “Lach & Schiess”, this cabaret institution, unique in Germany, from which multi-organiser Hofmann (Lustspielhaus, Vereinsheim, Milla, Bellevue di Monaco) surprisingly left in 2021. In trouble. About the content orientation of the “shop”.

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