Karine Le Marchand is ready to join the rumble

For Karine Le Marchand, it’s not just love that is in the meadow, anger too! The presenter of the famous agricultural dating show says she is ready to support the profession on strike in the columns of Parisian. According to her, agriculture is “dying”. She would even join the movement if it reached Paris.

“If there is a big demonstration in Paris, I will, of course, go see them and I will ride on their tractor with pleasure! It would also be good if non-farmers joined them,” declared-she.

Serving farmers

The presenter doesn’t think she’s saying that well. The demonstrations should arrive in Paris this Friday. The protesters plan to block entries and exits from the capital while awaiting government announcements. That being said, Karine Le Marchand does not at all want to “put herself forward in this crisis”, and ensures that she is “at the service” of farmers.

From there to working within the government, there is only one step… which the one who was decorated with the Agricultural Merit is not ready to take. “I’m not sure that with my sense of diplomacy, I will last in the government for long,” says the woman who also interviews politicians in An intimate ambition.

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