Jussi Adler Olsen film “Contempt”: too horrible for children? – Media


Susan Vahabzadeh

Scandinavian crime novels are not for the faint of heart, they are mostly dark and brutal, and their film adaptations are accordingly. In the ZDF media library on Tuesday there was one among the recommendations Jussi Adler Olsen-Movie adaptation at the top, in which a Copenhagen investigative team tries to find out what’s going on with three mummified corpses walled up around a dining table. You see them again and again, also in the investigators’ pictures, with jars and their genitals in front of them. The trail leads to a long-closed gynecological clinic, where girls with a sense of sexual self-determination once disappeared and were forcibly sterilized. This isn’t a bad film, it’s exciting and leaves its mark on the present. But he’s pretty horrid.

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