Joe Biden is making history with climate law – and hardly anyone notices

$370 billion. sounds a lot. is a lot. brings a lot? A year ago, Joe Biden put together the largest climate protection package in US history. Today it is clear that the green transition is worthwhile. Only hardly anyone gets it – especially not the voters.

If you want less CO2 in the atmosphere, it costs money. Lots of coal. Colloquially, of course. Because climate protection is expensive. But it’s worth it, as the USA is proving.

On August 16, 2022, US President Joe Biden ceremoniously signed the document that would not only be his legacy, but also the beginning of a green change: the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). What sounds like dry budgetary policy is in fact one of the most ambitious projects in recent US history, the heart of Biden’s ambitious economic policy, the “Bidenomics”.

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