Home office: companies are increasingly looking for skilled workers abroad – economy


Helmut Martin-Jung

“Where’s my office? Where I work.” Joachim Schreiner believes that the line between mobile working and working in the office has long since ceased to be as clear cut as it used to be. The manager is responsible for the business of the American software company Salesforce in Germany and Austria. Even before the pandemic, which even forced managers who weren’t comfortable working from home to rethink, there was a lot of hybrid work in his company. But now it’s no longer just a question of whether the virus is currently allowing people to work in offices again or not. It’s about recruiting highly qualified, motivated employees. Because they are rare, and for many it is important whether their future employer wants to see them in the office or whether they also allow them to work partially or even completely from home. Which then also offers people who live far away, possibly even in another country, a chance.

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