“Asked – Hunted” candidate embarrasses himself with the answer – even Alexander Bommes can’t believe it

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In “Gefragt – GeJagt” the candidates first face moderator Alexander Bommes in the quick guessing round. But even there, some people make mistakes.

Hamburg – If you want to get as comfortable a starting position as possible in “Gefragt – GeJagt”, you should deliver right from the start: in the one-minute quick guessing round, the candidates can earn a generous starting credit. For every question that moderator Alexander Bommes (48) answers correctly, they will receive at least 500 euros. Some people find it difficult to keep their composure.

Embarrassing mistake in “Asked – Hunted”: Candidate makes a mistake on the first question

Because the quick guess rounds are – as the name suggests – very fast-paced. There isn’t much time to think, even with seemingly simple questions. This was also proven by the Wednesday edition (May 15th) of the new “Gefragt – Gejagt” season. The four candidates had to deal with quiz queen Adriane Rickel (50). They immediately bowled out the first candidate, but lost in the following two rounds.

At the end was candidate Marc, who hoped to be able to top up the winnings of 19,500 euros that his teammates Inge and Rebecca had won so far. But luck didn’t seem to favor him. Right at the beginning of the quick guessing round, the Baden-Württemberg native made a mistake: “The name for which alcoholic drink is in the word ‘insects’?” Alexander Bommes wanted to know first – a fairly simple question that already indirectly provided the answer. However, Marc responded somewhat hastily with “beer,” which Bommes immediately corrected with “champagne.”

Alexander Bommes comments on “Asked – Hunted” mistake: “Can’t get over it”

However, the “Asked – Hunted” candidate was able to make up for this initial failure and answered a total of three of the quick guess questions correctly. There was at least 1,500 euros for the duel with Adriane Rickel. Before Marc confronted the huntress, Alexander Bommes asked him about his initial faux pas: “Insects and the beer – I can’t get over it yet,” the moderator remarked with a flabbergasted expression.

This blunder didn’t go unnoticed by ARD viewers either: comments like “Which drink is in the word insects? Beer! I like the man!”, “Respect to Alex for not laughing out loud” and “Beer is the new answer to everything” were then read on X. The show didn’t end well for Marc and his team: he escaped from the huntress, but the three-man team clearly lost in the final. Sebastian Klussmann’s (35) comeback from “Gefragt – Gejagt” was similarly confident the day before. Sources used: “Asked – Hunted” (Das Erste/ARD; edition from May 15, 2024), daserste.de, twitter.com

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