Hit by a train, a pedestrian found in swamps

The Loire-Atlantique firefighters intervened on the evening of January 1, 2024 to try to find the lifeless body of a pedestrian, mowed down by a train traveling on the LGV between Nantes and Paris. According to emergency services, the lifeless body of this individual, whose age and sex have not been specified, was discovered in a marshy area near Thouaré-sur-Loire. The circumstances of the accident are currently unknown.

Shocked, the train driver was taken care of by the firefighters. Rail traffic also had to be stopped until 10:30 p.m. in both directions. A little less than 300 people who were on board the TGV which hit the pedestrian had to wait three hours while the police carried out their findings. An investigation was opened by the gendarmerie.

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