Hebertshausen – Richard Reischl cancels events – Dachau

Richard Reischl (CSU) has canceled all events of the community in presence in Hebertshausen: “We will completely switch to virtual events again.” Only the municipal council meetings would continue to take place in attendance as usual. The mayor of Hebertshausen named the dramatic reports on the situation in the Bavarian clinics, which are already completely overcrowded due to the corona, as the reason in a video message on Facebook on Friday morning. He himself therefore wants to forego personal visits on special birthdays and anniversaries for the time being and also appealed to the Hebertshausen clubs to collectively cancel their Christmas celebrations. He also asked all private individuals to limit their contacts, even if there are currently no bans, because “it no longer makes sense” https://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/dachau/. “I would also much rather have a Christmas market celebrated, but it doesn’t work at the moment, “said Reischl in his statement in conclusion. So far, he has only received encouragement for his decision on Facebook. “Great respect for this statement, I am of the opinion that this is exactly the right signal,” wrote one user.

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