Heart attack: These foods clean the arteries and can help prevent them

A heart attack can mean sudden death. However, many foods help to contain dangerous cardiovascular diseases early on.

Frankfurt – According to the Robert Koch Institute, cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death in Germany alongside cancer. However, the risk of heart disease such as a heart attack, arteriosclerosis or vascular disease can be significantly reduced by eating a healthy diet. To do this, vices such as smoking, alcohol consumption or too little exercise should be put aside as quickly as possible.

But especially with poor nutrition, fats are deposited in the body, which gradually clog the blood vessels. This also increases the risk of a heart attack. But which foods clean the arteries and help prevent cardiovascular diseases and strengthen your own health? We clarify.

Prevent heart attacks: Strengthen the cardiovascular system with fiber

The largest of all citrus fruits, the grapefruit, is full of so-called pectins. This is sugar-like fiber that can slow down the calcification of the arteries. If you are not a fan of the sweet fruit, you can also choose apples or the slightly less intense grapefruit. In addition to pectins, apples also contain procyanidins, which prevent blood clots. The German Heart Foundation recommends green tea for the same reason. In addition to a heart attack, the substances can also prevent strokes and stabilize arteries.

“Green tea has been researched for around 20 years. The exact mechanisms of action of the substances contained have not yet been conclusively researched. However, it has been found that the sum of the plant substances contained in green tea have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system, ”says nutritionist Professor Dr. med. Hans Hauner from the German Heart Foundation. Incidentally, similar positive effects are also suspected with black tea. However, if you drink this with milk, you will most likely destroy the positive effects of tea or coffee.

Healthy diet: this helps against a heart attack

A healthy diet also includes fiber. Because not only the digestion benefits from the substances, but also the blood values. Among the legumes, the chickpeas are considered to be particularly healthy for the cardiovascular system, as they stimulate the excretion of bile acids and can thus lower the cholesterol level.

Spinach is another healthy food that can reduce the risk of heart attacks. The plant contains high levels of vitamins D and E, which can prevent the arteries from constricting. In addition, the Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung reports that spinach not only cleanses the blood vessels, but also strengthens the muscles. Omega-3 fatty acids, i.e. unsaturated fatty acids, also protect the heart and brain from diseases.

Food against heart attack: These products protect

Speaking of unsaturated fatty acids, for a healthy cardiovascular system you should generally eat a low-fat diet. However, healthy edible oils are among the few exceptions. Olive oil and rapeseed oil, for example, contain many unsaturated fatty acids and thus protect against a possible heart attack. If you don’t like the taste of the two oils, you can also prepare your dishes with linseed oil and walnut oil – these also have a “favorable composition of various healthy fatty acids”, explains the German Heart Foundation.

With a healthy diet, it is also advisable to consume more fish instead of meat. Salmon, in particular, is heart healthy and high in omega-3 fatty acids. Vegetarians could instead use plant-based products such as chia seeds, hemp oil, flax seeds, walnuts or red algae.

Swiss chard, garlic, and cabbage – these foods lower the risk of heart attacks

If you think of particularly popular vegetables, the chard is probably not one of them. The leafy vegetables are a real miracle cure. In addition to a very high content of antioxidants, which reduce the risk of inflammation in the body, the plant can also score with a lot of vitamin D. However, if you prefer to use vitamin D supplements, you should exercise caution: One artificial intake can be extremely damaging to health*.

But of course there are other healthy vegetables. Whether green, red, rose or cauliflower: each variety is rich in antioxidants. Garlic, on the other hand, not only gives a dish a delicious touch, but also stimulates the production of nitrogen in the body – this ensures elastic and stretchable blood vessels, which in turn reduces the risk of heart attacks, reports the news portal inFranken.de.

A balanced diet is an often underestimated factor for health. (Symbol image)

© Fabian Sommer / dpa

Heart attack risk: you should eat two servings of fruit a day

Israeli researchers found that the pomegranate can lower blood pressure by up to 20 percent. It also contains antioxidants to prevent inflammation and reduce the risk of heart attacks. In addition, almost all types of fruit and berries are full of flavonoids, which can also prevent inflammation and strengthen the cardiovascular system. The German Nutrition Society recommends eating two servings of fruit every day – for example a banana or an apple.

Tomatoes, which are classified as fruits in the botanical sense, contain a lot of lycopene. This substance prevents the oxidation of cholesterol and cleans the arteries. According to infranken.de, lycopene is only found in heated tomatoes, which is why tomato soup or a dish with tomato sauce is more worthwhile if you have a healthy diet. (Nail Akkoyun) * hna.de is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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