Happy, tasty, sleepy: the residents of Munich of the week. – Munich

Happy to please

The photo was taken during a walk in Tenerife. The background is a house wall, painted dark gray below and white above, with a stylized paper airplane drawn above it with a delicate line. Barbara Lange, 55, saw the wall and asked her father to pose as if he were going to throw the indicated flying object. “Just like they tell people in Pisa to support the leaning tower.” That’s how she explained her intention to her father, says Lange. But the father doesn’t understand right away. But he understands that it should be a nice photo that the daughter wants to show friends so that they are happy. “The fact that others are happy convinced him,” continues Lange. Her father no longer claims to understand something, the main thing is that it feels like fun. So he went along with it.

The father in front of a wall drawing: the winning photo by Barbara Lange.

(Photo: Barbara Lange)

The father, a former head of department at an IT company, a tinkerer and a precise person, had a stroke. He’s not who he used to be. What remained was the joy of making others happy. The “lightness” of the photo impressed the jury. Barbara Lange from Freising won the first prize in the amateur category of the “Desideria Care Prize for Photography”, which is endowed with 2,000 euros. “Seeing dementia in a new way” is the motto of the competition, which is being held for the first time. 450 pictures were submitted. Most were created in the family context. The initiators of Desideria Care know that photographing sick people is tricky. But it is “a topic that calls for publicity and continuation.” Information at: www.demenzneumachen.de

Stack well

Five for Munich: Carl Mielau (right) and his father Marc Mielau realized a business dream: their own vodka brand.

Carl Mielau (right) and his father Marc Mielau realized a business dream: their own vodka brand.

(Photo: Markus Kluska/Studio Mierswa-Kluska)

Still doing handicrafts as a student and not yet of legal age Carl Mielau on a bottle design and a business plan. Now he’s 19, has realized his vision – and is allowed to drink what he sells. In May, Mielau brought with his father’s support Marc Mielau launching an organic vodka in a bottle that can be stacked. Three numbers adorn the label: 145 (pronounced: One Four Five), because vodka is said to have been officially mentioned for the first time in 1405 in the former kingdom of Poland. The spirit distilled in Munich was awarded the Golden DLG Prize 2022.

Rest of course

Five for Munich: The couple Theresia and Peter Heim, who run the transport, have been with their pillows on the Auer Dulten for 25 years.  They have now been recognized for their commitment.

The feeder couple Theresia and Peter Heim have been with their pillows on the Auer Dulten for 25 years. They have now been recognized for their commitment.

(Photo: Studio Liebhart/IMAGO/STL)

The subject of sleep is as old as life, and yet it seems more relevant than ever. How to sleep well has become a science. Theresia and Peter Heim, 87 and 85 years old, have been dealing with it for decades, but their findings are not of an academic nature. In their Munich factory, they produce spelled and millet chaff pillows that contain silica. This should, among other things, stimulate heat formation in the body and strengthen the immune system. The couple sells their natural products at Christmas markets and at the Auer-Dulten for 25 years. The two have just been honored for this by the city of Munich.

Improvise cleverly

Five for Munich: LMU professor and trauma expert Willi Butollo.

LMU professor and trauma expert Willi Butollo.

(Photo: Alessandra Schellnegger)

“What is the value of the art of improvisation in a world where change is the only constant?” The actors of the Munich Fastfood Theater will be investigating this question in the coming weeks. 30 years and more than 4500 performances lie behind the ensemble Karin Krug and Andrew Wolf. In their anniversary year, the group continues to rely on improvisation – sophisticated and clever. They will now shape the final sprint for the anniversary together with guests. The intention of the upcoming events under the title “Relevance” is to meet the constant change in a playful way and to provide the audience with entertainment as well as support. For this purpose, the fast food theater has invited experts from science. “Fear inhibits, trauma makes you mute, spontaneous impulses help you to cross borders.” This is the trauma therapist’s approach Willi Butolo, Professor at the Department of Psychology and Head of the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at the LMU. He speaks on Sunday, November 13, in the Neuhauser Trafo. A week later, on November 27, the industrial and organizational psychologist asks Gesine Hofinger: “What role does improvisation play when emergency plans no longer work?” Finally, the nutritionist and emeritus professor comes Hannelore Daniel on December 11 to Einstein Kultur. She knows how our body reacts to food, what is good and what is not. “Improvisation can be nurturing because it gives us freedom,” the improv actors know. Information and tickets at www.fastfood-theater.de.

sing beautifully

Now for the 35th time, the Munich Concert Association has held its August Everding Music Competition. From 52 applications in the singing category, the jury selected three finalists who applied for the prize money, a total of 20,000 euros, in the Allerheiligen-Hofkirche of the residence. The first prize – 7000 euros, donated by the LfA Förderbank Bayern – went to Maria Hegele. Second place – 5000 euros, donated by the Kurt Redel Foundation – went to Gerrit Illenberger and the third prize – 3000 euros from Donner & Reuschel Gabriel Fortunas Klitzing. Gerrit Illenberger also received the audience award, donated by the Rotary Club Munich-Hofgarten, which is endowed with 5000 euros. Among last year’s winners of the top-class competition, which bears the name of the founder of the Munich Theater Academy, are musicians such as the flautist Michael Kofler, the violinist Isabelle Faust and the pianist Ragna Schirmer.

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