Four out of ten university students victims of sexual or gender-based violence

Four out of ten students say they have been victims of at least one situation of violence over the past year as part of their studies, an internship, a student job or their personal and family life. This is what emerges from the survey concerning sexual and gender-based violence carried out by the university of Nantes to its audience. THE results of this work carried out between January and March 2023 have just been revealed. More than 5,000 usable responses, the vast majority from women, were collected.

Nearly a third of respondents (27%) say they feel isolated during their studies, while a small portion (8%) feel unsafe in their establishment. In the details of sexual or gender-based violence suffered during the twelve months preceding the survey, 15% say they have been followed in an insistent manner, 12% say they have been victims of comments or gestures of a sexual nature, 10% report having been touched. sexual and 8% having received teasing, degrading or humiliating remarks. Even more serious: 2% of respondents were victims of rape and attempted rape.

“Redouble our efforts to eliminate these behaviors”

Each time, women and people who have declared another gender identity are more exposed to these situations, the study notes. The vast majority of victims reported that men were the perpetrators. This violence was committed in all types of places. “The violence described in places of study mainly concerns the appropriation and destruction of personal work, damage to reputation, exclusion from student activities and exposure to images of a pornographic nature,” specifies investigation.

“These figures, sadly in line with national averages, underline the urgent need to raise awareness again and again throughout our establishment of the already existing systems, while encouraging us to redouble our efforts to quickly eliminate from our campuses this behavior with consequences devastating for their victims,” comments Carine Bernault, president of Nantes University.

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