Forecast: Scary weekend expected |

Scary weekend expected

After summer temperatures on the Black Forest summit of the Kandel, winter has returned – with lots of fresh snow. photo

© Philipp von Ditfurth/dpa

The German Weather Service sends “Arctic April greetings”. It’s snowing again in the low mountain ranges.

Polar air from the Arctic has spread into Germany. “And there is currently nothing to indicate that this will change so quickly,” said Felix Dietzsch from the German Weather Service (DWD) on Friday. At this The DWD expects mainly showery weather at the weekend. Short thunderstorms with sleet are also possible. Only in the east does the sun shine briefly through the cloud cover. It was said from Offenbach that not much would change in the current weather until the middle or even the end of next week.

On Friday the snowfall limit was 800 meters, and by night it was expected to drop to just under 400 meters. In some low mountain ranges it will probably be white again, said DWD meteorologist Dietzsch. “From Monday night at the latest, people will have to talk about the frost everywhere,” he said. The temperatures drop to around zero degrees, but often things go even further downhill. Near the ground it cools down to minus eight degrees in places.

“So anyone who has already moved their garden plants outdoors should make sure that they don’t fall off the shelf in the next few days,” said the meteorologist. “It remains unstable with only moderate temperatures during the day with temperatures at most just under double digits and cold nights sometimes reaching frost.”


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