“For me, Europe 1 is over! », React Internet users

This is crowding out too many for many listeners. Europe 1 has decided to part ways with its iconic comedian, Nicolas Canteloup, who has been in his morning show since 2005, its producer Jean-Marc Dumontet announced Thursday. He had recently been very critical of Vincent Bolloré, the main shareholder of the Lagardère group.

Patrick Cohen, Pascale Clark, Anne Roumanoff, Bertrand Chameroy, Matthieu Belliard, Emilie Mazoyer, Wendy Bouchard… The agreed or forced departures have been linked in recent weeks within the radio, some of whose voices will be replaced by personalities from CNews. The radio and the channel will set up a joint program at the start of the school year. Anger is visible among the hundreds of historical listeners who responded to our call for testimony.

An unprecedented strike in June

“There are so many talents already gone! Such a waste ! And Nicolas Canteloup now, it’s awful! (…). Given the upcoming re-entry grid, I will no longer listen to my favorite station… ”, declares Danièle. Same reaction from Anne’s side, who said goodbye to the radio: “For me, Europe 1 is finished, not just because of Canteloup’s departure, but all the evictions”.

Europe 1 was shaken by an unprecedented five-day strike in June, launched to protest against the merger between radio and CNews, a news channel, which, under the impetus of its owner Vincent Bolloré, has become a media ” of opportunist and touting opinion ”, according to the society of editors and the intersyndicale (SNJ-CGT-CFTC-FO). And Internet users do not fail to directly question the owner of the 24-hour news channel, now the largest shareholder in Europe 1.

“What a plague this Bolloré”

“After fifty years of loyalty to Europe 1, Canteloup’s departure is the last straw. I uninstall the app and move on. What sadness and what a plague this Bolloré ”, deplores François. “Can’t we find a legal way to put an end to this climate of terror set up by this Mr. Bolloré? “, Asks Alain while Sébastien calls into question the lack of humor of” Bolloré & consort “. “It is also a proof of mediocrity and lack of intelligence CQFD”, he criticizes.

If some, in the minority, swim against the tide, like Philippe, for whom it is not necessary to make it “a political affair”, most listeners give up their radio. The departure of the comedian is not very good news for the audiences of the station which has struggled to find its audience for several years.

According to figures from Médiamétrie, which unveiled the latest radio audience results for the January-March 2021 wave in April, the Lagardère group station began the year by losing 200,000 listeners over one year. If over the months of April to June 2021, Nicolas Canteloup had lost 104,000 regulars, he nevertheless gathered 767,000 listeners per day, recalls The Parisian. A catalyst for radio audiences.

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