For Jeff Bridges, getting out of Covid was worse than his cancer and chemotherapy

Jeff Bridges assures him, getting rid of the Covid was more trying than fighting cancer. But it should still be noted that the 73-year-old actor was affected by the virus even though he was undergoing chemotherapy to treat lymphoma diagnosed in October 2020.

“I received a letter from the clinic where I was undergoing my chemotherapy which informed me that I had contacted the Covid”, told the star of The Big Lebowski which occupies the back cover of AARP The Magazine.

“I didn’t have an immune system to fight the virus. The chemo had wiped him out, which made things very, very hard. For me, cancer was nothing compared to Covid. »

A gift that cannot be refused

Suddenly, Jeff Bridges had to stay hospitalized for a long time in order to fight against the two diseases at the same time. And if he had no doubts about his ability to survive, the actor admits that he was worried about his ability to one day return to the film sets.

“I didn’t think I could ever work again, really,” he continued. “So initially, I was like, ‘We’ll see. Then at the end it became, “Maybe I can”. I have to admit that I was still scared to go back to work. And then I ended up thinking that it was a gift offered to me. »

And some time after, Jeff Bridges was on his feet to finish filming the first season of The Old Man.

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