Drug find in Italy: Two tons of cocaine found off Sicily

Status: 04/17/2023 12:04 p.m

Italian authorities seized almost two tons of cocaine off the coast of Sicily. The drug packages floated in the sea and were held together by nets. The drug find is one of the largest in the country.

The Italian police found around two tons of cocaine during a patrol through the coastal waters of Sicily. According to the Italian financial police, the emergency services noticed around 70 packages floating in the sea and held together by nets. The authorities estimate the market value of the find at around 400 million euros.

According to the report, the drug was packaged waterproof and thus protected from the ingress of seawater. The packages floated on the surface of the water. The spot was marked with a beacon. The authorities spoke of one of the largest drug finds ever made in Italy.

High value on the black market

According to the authorities, the packages contained around 1,600 other smaller packages, in which around two tons of cocaine were individually packed again. Cargo ships had probably dropped the cargo off the coast.

According to the financial police, an important blow against the illegal drug trade had been struck. For the drug dealers, the find means a loss in the millions.

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