Woman reveals how she shed almost HALF her body weight by using the keto diet

An obese woman, who shed half her body weight on keto plan after being bullied over her size for years, has revealed she is now being furiously attacked by trolls who claim she is ‘promoting unhealthy diets’ that cause ‘heart attacks.’ 

Chelsey Bishop, 37, an office manager and graphic designer from Tucson, Arizona, went from 338 pounds to 182 pounds after beginning a keto diet, but has unfortunately received a lot of hate for how she lost the weight.

Despite rising in popularity recently, the effectiveness and safety of the keto diet has been debated among professionals for years – and many of Chelsey’s followers have slammed her for promoting it online. 

Chelsey said that she used to eat donuts for breakfast and cheeseburgers for lunch – often consuming approximately 4,000 calories in a day.

At her heaviest, she weighed more than 300 pounds – which left her unable to fit in booths at restaurants and meant she couldn’t walk 50 feet without losing her breath.

But in December 2017, while on vacation at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida, she was removed from a ride after she couldn’t fit under the safety strap, and she decided it was time to turn her life around.

An obese woman, who shed half her body weight on keto plan, has revealed she is now being furiously attacked by trolls. She is pictured after her weight loss

An obese woman, who shed half her body weight on keto plan, has revealed she is now being furiously attacked by trolls. She is pictured before (left) and after (right) her weight loss

Chelsey Bishop (pictured before her weight loss) went from 338 pounds to 182 pounds after beginning a keto diet, but has received a lot of hate for how she lost the weight

Chelsey Bishop (pictured before her weight loss) went from 338 pounds to 182 pounds after beginning a keto diet, but has received a lot of hate for how she lost the weight

Chelsey (pictured after her weight loss) weighed over 300 pounds - which left her unable to fit in restaurant booths and meant she couldn't walk 50 feet without losing her breath

Chelsey (pictured after her weight loss) weighed over 300 pounds – which left her unable to fit in restaurant booths and meant she couldn’t walk 50 feet without losing her breath

In December 2017, while on vacation at Universal Studios, Chelsey (pictured on the trip with her boyfriend) was removed from a ride after she couldn’t fit under the safety strap

She had also lost her father to congestive heart failure and was diagnosed with high blood pressure and tachycardia – a condition in which the heart beats more than 100 times per minute. 

What is the keto diet and is it safe? 

  • According to Healthline, the keto diet is a ‘low carb, high fat diet’ which ‘involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat’ 
  • The reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. When this happens, your body becomes ‘incredibly efficient at burning fat for energy’
  • UChicagoMedicine reported that the keto diet could cause low blood pressure, kidney stones, constipation, nutrient deficiencies, and an increased risk of heart disease 
  • MayoClinic also claimed, ‘There’s very little evidence to show that this type of eating is effective – or safe – over the long term for anything other than epilepsy. Plus, very low carbohydrate diets tend to have higher rates of side effects, including constipation, headaches, bad breath and more. Also, meeting the diet’s requirements means cutting out many healthy foods, making it difficult to meet your micronutrient needs’

Worried about her health and feeling ashamed about the way she looked, she started a keto diet in February 2018, and has since lost 169 pounds. 

‘I noticed I was becoming overweight at age seven. I was larger than all my friends and was teased regularly for it,’ Chelsey said.

‘My standard American diet routinely consisted of around 4,000 calories a day.

‘The defining moment of me trying to shed all that weight was when I was humiliated on holiday at Universal Studios when I was removed from a ride for being too fat.

‘I couldn’t fit in restaurant booths, I needed seatbelt extenders, snored terribly, and I couldn’t walk 50 feet without losing my breath.

‘After losing my father to congestive heart failure and being diagnosed with high blood pressure and tachycardia, I decided to put myself on a relaxed keto and low carb diet in February 2018.

‘I lost 170 pounds by shifting to a keto diet that I have maintained for the last four years.’ 

According to Healthline, the keto diet is a ‘low carb, high fat diet’ which ‘involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat.’

The reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. When this happens, your body becomes ‘incredibly efficient at burning fat for energy.’

Chelsey said she adapted her diet in small ways – by opting for a burger without the bun, choosing a side of vegetables rather than fries, and cutting out a lot of sugar.

These simple changes allowed her weight to drop to 182 pounds, without needing any surgery along the way.

Chelsey also lost her father to congestive heart failure. She is pictured before her weight loss

Chelsey was diagnosed with high blood pressure and tachycardia. She is pictured after her weight loss

Chelsey also lost her father to congestive heart failure and was diagnosed with high blood pressure and tachycardia. She is pictured before (left) and after (right) her weight loss

Worried about her health and feeling ashamed about the way she looked, she started a keto diet in February 2018, and has since lost 169 pounds

Worried about her health and feeling ashamed about the way she looked, she started a keto diet in February 2018, and has since lost 169 pounds

The effectiveness and safety of the keto diet has been debated among professionals for years - and many of Chelsey's followers slammed her for promoting it

The effectiveness and safety of the keto diet has been debated among professionals for years – and many of Chelsey’s followers slammed her for promoting it

Chelsey (pictured as a child) adapted her diet in small ways - by opting for a burger without the bun, choosing a side of vegetables rather than fries, and cutting out a lot of sugar

Chelsey (pictured as a child) adapted her diet in small ways – by opting for a burger without the bun, choosing a side of vegetables rather than fries, and cutting out a lot of sugar

These simple changes allowed her weight to drop to 182 pounds. She is pictured before her weight loss

Chelsey didn't need any surgery along the way. She is pictured after her weight loss

These simple changes allowed her weight to drop to 182 pounds, without needing any surgery along the way. She is pictured before (left) and after (right) her weight loss

However, after sharing her weight loss journey online, many nasty trolls started to accuse Chelsey of lying about it, and some even called her diet unsafe.

She explained: ‘I receive a lot of trolls saying that keto isn’t healthy or that keto isn’t sustainable or accusing me of having bariatric surgery, or that I’m spreading misinformation by telling people that I lost weight through a ketogenic way of eating.

‘People also tend to get really irritated when they find out that my blood work is great.

‘They believe that eating keto for some reason will cause heart problems or cholesterol issues, which hasn’t been true for me.

‘My health problems have drastically improved since I switched to keto, I get my heart and kidneys checked twice a year to make sure.’ 

UChicagoMedicine reported that the keto diet could cause low blood pressure, kidney stones, constipation, nutrient deficiencies, and an increased risk of heart disease.

MayoClinic also claimed, ‘There’s very little evidence to show that this type of eating is effective – or safe – over the long term for anything other than epilepsy.

‘Plus, very low carbohydrate diets tend to have higher rates of side effects, including constipation, headaches, bad breath and more.

‘Also, meeting the diet’s requirements means cutting out many healthy foods, making it difficult to meet your micronutrient needs.’

Chelsey said she believes that the main factor in the hate that she has received is that some people have tried and failed at the keto diet, whereas she succeeded.

‘I’m kind of convinced that because a lot of people are so addicted to carbohydrates and sugar that they can’t sustain the keto lifestyle,’ she said.

‘But a lot of the time people are not faced with the kind of fear I was faced with, which was dying early and having a heart attack in my 30s.

‘When you’re put in that situation, you really do prioritize your life over the food. Staying keto for me to lose the weight was extremely sustainable.

‘And it remains extremely sustainable because sustainability is really subjective to every individual. What might be sustainable to me might not be realistically sustainable to you.

After sharing her weight loss journey online, trolls started to accuse Chelsey of lying about it. She is pictured before her weight loss

Some even called her diet unsafe. She is pictured after her weight loss

After sharing her weight loss journey online, trolls started to accuse Chelsey of lying, and some called her diet unsafe. She is pictured before (left) and after (right) her weight loss

Chelsey (pictured before her weight loss) said she feels incredible about the changes she has accomplished through keto

Chelsey (pictured before her weight loss) said she feels incredible about the changes she has accomplished through keto

‘So it’s all a matter of perspective, but for me it was easy to choose better health, losing weight, and living a happier life than eating French fries and doughnuts.’

Chelsey said she feels incredible about the changes she has accomplished through keto.

‘I am a living example of how simply modifying your diet can completely change your health and your life,’ she continued.

‘I am incredibly proud of myself. For over 30 years, I took my health for granted and I’m lucky that carrying around that much excess weight didn’t do more damage.

‘Life is harder when you’re living it in such a large body, and I didn’t realize the impact it had on my life. I was in such denial.

‘Now I feel amazing, I love seeing the shock on the faces of people who haven’t seen me in a while.

‘There are two phases of astonishment: phase one is seeing me at literally half my physical size, and phase two is from telling them it was from my keto diet, no gym or exercise.

Chelsey (pictured as a kid) previously explained that growing up in a 'low-income household' contributed to her weight gain

Chelsey (pictured as a kid) previously explained that growing up in a ‘low-income household’ contributed to her weight gain

She said nutrition 'wasn't something her family cared about.' She is pictured befor her weight loss

She added that it was 'more about putting any food on the table.' She is pictured after her weight loss

She said nutrition ‘wasn’t something her family cared about,’ and that it was ‘more about putting any food on the table.’ She is pictured before (left) and after (right) her weight loss

‘I always assumed I had too much weight to lose and I was at a point of hopelessness. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

‘Substantial weight loss without surgery is possible regardless of your lifestyle. I made keto work for my lifestyle which gave me the ability to sustain it long-term.

‘As long as it’s enjoyable and easy, committing to it will be enjoyable, and the commitment is what awards you the success.’

Chelsey previously explained that growing up in a ‘low-income household’ contributed to her weight gain.

‘Growing up in a low-income household meant nutrition wasn’t something my family focused on or cared about, and those bad childhood eating habits became my bad adult eating habits,’ she explained.

‘It was more about putting any possible food on the table for our family of five.’

She also opened up about the moment she decided it was time to start dieting.

Chelsey said: ‘Getting removed from a ride in front of dozens of people because the harness couldn’t latch over my fat body was so humiliating.

‘I couldn’t fit in an airplane seat. My turning point was seeing my clothes size getting larger, being ashamed to be weighed, and having anxiety over what excuse I could possibly give my doctor to justify my weight.’

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