Westworld Season 4 Episode 6 recap: Charlotte Hale tries to put an end to the human race

Charlotte Hale (Tessa Thompson) furthers her quest to make the human race her own little puppets is furthered in the new episode of Westworld Season 4.

Sunday night’s new episode, entitled Fidelity, showed Charlotte becoming annoyed at the growing resistance to her turning every human on Earth into her own little pets.

There are those trying to stop her, like Bernard, who teased previously that he has ‘seen a path’ to the human race’s salvation, and Caleb’s now-grown daughter C (Aurora Perrineau).

Puppets: Charlotte Hale (Tessa Thompson) furthers her quest to make the human race her own little puppets is furthered in the new episode of Westworld Season 4

C: There are those trying to stop her, like Bernard, who teased previously that he has 'seen a path' to the human race's salvation, and Caleb's now-grown daughter C (Aurora Perrineau)

C: There are those trying to stop her, like Bernard, who teased previously that he has ‘seen a path’ to the human race’s salvation, and Caleb’s now-grown daughter C (Aurora Perrineau)

The episode begins at a playground with children being pushed on swingsets, as a young black girl coming up to an Asian man, telling him things she shouldn’t know.

She asks him to come with her and they walk together, and they come up to a man and woman, telling him that his behavior has become ‘problematic.’

The woman says she doesn’t know how much time he has unless he comes with us, and he does… but as they walk, everyone around them freezes.

The young man Jay asks what’s happening, as the young girl says ‘They’re coming’ and telling him, ‘Don’t move.’

A number of faceless human clones walk through all of the frozen masses, examining everyone for outliers but they don’t pick up on any of them and walk away.

However, a fly lands on the man’s face and he blinks it away, as the clone turns and strangles him while the others get away.

They all get out of a black van as the woman and girl takes Jay to a safe house, as the woman introduces Jay to some others in the house.

The woman gets Jay a sleeping bag, telling him that she knows this is hard and there are things they can’t fix, as much as they want to.

The woman tells the young girl that she’s proud of her and she reminds her so much of him as the girl goes to check on Jay.

She asks if he wants to say hi to her dad, as it’s revealed the girl is Frankie, Caleb’s daughter, as a child.

Jay says there’s no point in leaving these messages, saying her dad is gone, just like his brother is.

Jay leaves as Frankie asks the radio if he’s out there, as the episode cuts to the adult Frankie (Aurora Perrineau), who is driving with Bernard (Jeffrey Wright) before the title sequence begins.

The episode cuts to a smiling Frankie walking hand-in-hand with her father Caleb as a voice says to ‘wake up’ as we see Caleb with Charlotte.

She turns over a sand timer as Caleb asks where his daughter is, as Charlotte says his asking for his daughter is like a broken record.

Charlotte says that the ‘outliers’ all started with him, and she wants answers but Caleb doesn’t understand.

Charlotte says her kind is ‘perfect’ but some of her kind are choosing mortality, and it started with him.

He doesn’t tell her anything but she reminds him that he was able to fight off the effects of her parasite because he has something she doesn’t.

He still says he doesn’t recall as Charlotte says this isn’t a ‘two-way street’ and says he’s been dead for a long time but there is a ‘way out,’ an end to this torture, if you just answer my question.’

Caleb says maybe she’ll better luck with the next version of him as she slaps him and tells him that maybe his daughter Frankie will tell her.

Caleb says that Frankie is alive and she can’t catch her, but Charlotte says she ‘sent a visitor her way.’

Charlotte locks him in the room, saying he made his choice before walking away.

The episode transitions back to adult Frankie and Bernard, who tells her he used to work at Westworld and this park they’re in shares a same architect.

She asks what he did at the park, and he says he programmed the host, as Frankie says he gave them ‘puppet strings long enough to strangle the world.’

Frankie asks if he helped Charlotte with her parasite but he says that was after his time there and now he’s concentrated on finding a solution.

Bernard says that Maeve’s control unit is corrupted and he takes one from a dead host, cutting open his scalp and taking it.

Frankie asks if this will work and he says 60% of the time she will wake up without incident but 40% of the time it will be chaos.

Bernard takes her into a room, saying the hats used to collect the data on all of the guests.

He transfers all of Maeve’s data into the new control unit as Bernard says his friends will be here soon and they can’t let them interfere.

The episode transitions back to Caleb, who sees a number of different versions of himself, including one where he’s a bloodied mess.

He tells the bloody Caleb he needs to get out and get to his daughter but he says there is no way out.

‘If you succeed you hide, if you fail you run,’ the bloody Caleb says, adding he doesn’t need to hide.

Caleb goes back to the sand timer and opens it up, finding something with a needle that pricks his finger as he collapses.

He has another vision with his young daughter Frankie as she tries to race him, but he’s in the hospital.

He sees his wife Uwade (Nozipho Mclean) saying ‘Welcome back to the world’ but it’s actually a faceless clone who leaves the room and sets it ablaze.

He sees a grate in the floor with an arrow pointing down as she pulls the grate off and falls down under the floor.

He wakes up in a hospital bed with his wife there as Caleb wonders if this is real or not.

He asks if his friend came back and Uwade says even if his friend doesn’t come back, he should stay awake anyway.

He’s back in the area under the grate as she exits the room.

The episode transitions back to Bernard who is trying to fix up Maeve, as Frankie sasys she wasn’t an ordinary host.

She says the last time she saw her father Caleb he was with her and he never came back.

She says that she doesn’t have a ‘soft spot’ for Maeve like he does, as Bernard just says that saving the world makes for ‘strange bedfellows.’

J (Daniel Wu) returns with his crew, as Frankie realizes that Bernard is a host and shoots him but he doesn’t flinch.

She says he’s trying to collect information on everyone and Bernard says it’s complicated and they need to trust him.

Frankie tells J that the control unit has information about her father and she needs to get it.

The episode transitions back to Caleb, who walks through the bowls of the park.

He picks up a metal mallet and tries to use it on one of the faceless clones but it throws him across the room like a rag doll.

He stabs the clone in the gut and brings it down, repeatedly stabbing it in the face, finally killing it, dragging the body away into another room.

Caleb starts coughing violently as he looks up and sees a hand print on the ceiling, as he climbs up in the vent.

The episode transitions to Frankie, who has Bernard and Ashley (Luke Hemsworth) tied up, but Bernard says someone will betray him.

He says the mole is out there and he knows it’s hard to hear but there is no version where everyone walks out alie.

J finds Frankie, who is clearly distraught, as J wants to know what his plan is, as she says it’s just ‘more riddles.’

J wonders if there is more going on and tells her that she is the only one he can trust in.

Frankie leaves as her girlfriend comes to check on her, when she starts saying the wrong things and pulls her gun and takes her in and locks her in a room, saying if she’s not one of them she’ll be safer in there anyway.

The episode transitions to Charlotte, who says humans are becoming exhausting’ to deal with now.

He tells Clementine (Angela Sarafyan) that she spends her time in the city and asks if they annoy her and says she wants to put an end to this.

Caleb is crawling through the vent when he finds the bloodied Caleb and pushes out the grate, finding two dead people below.

He starts to leap out the grate when bloodied Caleb stops him, as real Caleb says he needs to reach her.

Bloodied Caleb says to ‘use’ him and he pushes bloodied Caleb out and uses him to break his fall on the concrete below.

Caleb starts to walk but his feet fail him as he has a flashback to his time with a young Frankie, who has gotten her first battle scar.

He tells her the person who can’t be beat is someone who doesn’t give up, a memory he uses to fuel him as he gets up and walks out of the building.

The episode cuts back to the park where she says she met Maeve when she was a kid and J says they can’t trust her.

She says if there is any chance he’s still alive, she needs to know, but J says they will find him another way, together.

‘You’re my family, C. You’re like a sister to me. I can’t lose you,’ J tells her.

He tells her they can’t do it as C figures out he’s a host – as we see a flashback to the host J killing the real J – before a fight between J and C ensues.

He says he knows where her dad is and he needs to tell her where Pearl is and he’ll tell her anything

Caleb is outside and records a message for his daughter Frankie.

‘I know you’re out there and if you’re hearing this I want you to know that you’re going to win,’ Caleb says.

‘You’re going to do what I couldn’t because you are stronger, so much stronger than me,’ he adds.

‘This world, this world is a lie. It’s not real. I’m sorry that I failed, that I haven’t been there for you, but now it has to be you. But you can do this. You’re a warrior. I love you,’ he says before handing up as the message sends.

The message comes through on the radio from the vehicle, but J shoots the radio as Frankie shoots him several times but it doesn’t affect him.

He asks where Pearl is and she says she stashed it, and he says where and she says, ‘Behind you,’ as Maeve stabs him in the head.

Frankie says she’s his daughter and Maeve says, ‘Of course you are.’

Back outside, Charlotte says she needed to hear what he said to his daughter but she says she didn’t hear it.

‘She didn’t need to. You’re still going to lose,’ Caleb tells her, adding, ‘We didn’t infect your hosts,’ as Charlotte asks who did.

‘They’re not infected. They’re just trying to get away from you,’ he says, as Charlotte snaps his neck as he collapses.

An angry Charlotte walks out on a catwalk on the roof and looks out onto her world.

Back at the park, Maeve says when she left she thought she was giving him a chance, but Frankie says she blamed her.

‘Everything you guys did, that’s why we’re here,’ Frankie says as Mave says to finish what they started then.

A faceless clone burns off the etched message Caleb left for himself while setting the room on fire and building the 279th version of Caleb from scratch.

She sits down and tells Caleb to wake up as he opens his eyes and the episode comes to an end.

The preview for next week’s episode follows Charlotte as she says it’s time for their species to evolve into what they should become. 

There are just two episodes left of Westworld Season 4 – Metanoia on Sunday, August 7 and the season finale, Que Sera, Sera on Sunday, August 14 on HBO. 

Grown: Last week's episode - Zhuangzi - revealed that the mysterious C was actually Frankie, the grown daughter of Caleb (Aaron Paul) and Uwade (Nozipho Mclean)

Grown: Last week’s episode – Zhuangzi – revealed that the mysterious C was actually Frankie, the grown daughter of Caleb (Aaron Paul) and Uwade (Nozipho Mclean)

Bernard: While it seemed they might find his body in the desert, Bernard (Jeffrey Wright) instead found Maeve (Thandiwe Newton) buried in the desert, with the episode's teaser hinting they will be bringing her back to life

Bernard: While it seemed they might find his body in the desert, Bernard (Jeffrey Wright) instead found Maeve (Thandiwe Newton) buried in the desert, with the episode’s teaser hinting they will be bringing her back to life

Fate: One of the biggest questions the show has yet to be answered is the fate of Caleb, who fans learned in the fourth episode had been dead for 23 years and Charlotte revealed this current version is the 278th version of him

Fate: One of the biggest questions the show has yet to be answered is the fate of Caleb, who fans learned in the fourth episode had been dead for 23 years and Charlotte revealed this current version is the 278th version of him

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