POLITIKNeuester rechter Nachrichten-Hack leitet Websites nach Datenleck auf „Womp Womp“-Video um, Fake-Brief-Outing-Herausgeber als „trans“konservative Nachrichtenagenturen The Post Millennial und Human Events werden diese Woche nach einem Datenverstoß weiterhin gehackt. Von Marissa Papanek 3. Mai 2024, veröffentlicht um 19:34 Uhr ET

Briefe: Deregulierung von Fluggesellschaften, Interview mit dem kubanischen Präsidenten, Personalabteilung von Human Rights Watch

How we became ‘Plastic People’: Startling new documentary tracks global spread of toxic microplastics from the bottom of oceans to inside the human brain – and how it all started with the 1950s throwaway living idea

A jaguar savaging an alligator, adorable yawning bats and a VERY human orangutan are among winners of Sony’s 2024 world photo awards

Just skin and bone: The starving Gaza children kept in incubators as UN human rights chief warns Israel may be guilty of war crime if it has cut off food aid

How ‘Our Moon’ shaped life on Earth and human history

Bird flu viruses may pack tools that help them infect human cells

How does Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain chip work? A step-by-step guide to the controversial technology – as the first human is implanted

What parrots can teach us about human intelligence