The Late Late Show’s most memorable moments as James Corden quits to return to UK

James Corden will step down as the host of The Late Late Show at the end of next season amid in Spring 2023 plans to spend more time back home in the UK, confirmed on Thursday.

And as the comedian, 43, gears up to leave the CBS programme after seven years, MailOnline takes a look back at the comedian’s most memorable and unforgettable antics with Hollywood’s A-List.

Not only did he go skydiving with Tom Cruise, he pranked David Beckham, played Tattoo Roulette with One Direction, challenged Prince Harry to an assault course, brought out Adele’s previously-unheard rapping skills, took Michelle Obama out for a spin and was brought to tears by Stevie Wonder.

From challenging Prince Harry to an assault course to rapping with Adele and pranking David Beckham: MailOnline takes a look at James Corden’s most memorable The Late Late Show’s moments as comedian quits programme to return home to UK 

Taking Prince Harry on an assault course after leaving the Royal Family for LA life – 2021

The Duke of Sussex scrambled through mud, climbed up a rope and threw a spear in a military-style assault course with James that showed off his strength.

Prince Harry, who spent ten years in the Army and went on two tours of Afghanistan, also climbed over a frame and ran with a heavy ball in the exercise in Los Angeles.

Corden organised the course as ‘a little something to take you back to your roots’ during a segment on The Late Late Show during which he interviewed the royal.

Woah! Prince Harry scrambled through mud, climbed up a rope and threw a spear in a military-style assault course with James after leaving the Royal Family for LA life

Woah! Prince Harry scrambled through mud, climbed up a rope and threw a spear in a military-style assault course with James after leaving the Royal Family for LA life

The challenge had eight obstacles which the organiser named Sam told Harry, 36, and Corden, 42, were designed to test them ‘mentally, physically and spiritually’.

Corden said: ‘I know we’re both a long, long way away from home. Your life now is particularly different to your life back home and particularly when you were in the military.

‘So I’ve actually arranged a little something to take you back to your roots. A little taste of military life, as a gift from me to you, and I’m already regretting saying I’ll be part of it.’

Sam noted that Harry had military experience, before Corden joked that he was ‘very much a member of the BTS Army’ – a reference to fans of the K-pop boy band.

They first had to climb over two large rectangular pieces of wood, before jumping through tyres on the ground and then pulling a weight on a rope.

The duo then had to crawl through mud under wire, with Corden initially complaining that it was ‘too muddy’.

But Harry joked: ‘James, get over it, you’ve been in LA too long, this is like a mudbath, like a facial.’

Corden hit back, saying: I have no interest – that’s disgusting. That is a joke, you’re (Sam) a joke.’

They then had to throw a spear towards a target, and climb up a rope to ring a bell –the latter of which only Harry achieved, prompting Corden to joke: ‘That counted for both of us.’

They also had to run with a heavy ball and climb over a frame with a board over the bottom section, meaning they had to lift themselves up.

Harry achieved this without any trouble, but Corden ran off and came back with a stepladder, admitted that it was ‘terrifying’ as he went over the top of the frame.

As Corden began his descent, Harry jokingly encouraged him, saying: ‘You look great from down here. You’re doing great, well done.’

But Corden said: ‘I feel like I’m Archie at a playgroup the way you’re talking to me.’ He had earlier joked that Harry was talking to him like he was a ‘dog’.

They raced on flat ground to the end – and Harry initially let Corden run past him, but he then sprinted past him to win the challenge.

After finishing the course, Harry exclaimed: ‘That was quite fun – I enjoyed that. Same time tomorrow?’

Skilled: Adele's rendition of Monster was word perfect and she certainly had the attitude to accompany her rapping (pictured in 2016)

Skilled: Adele’s rendition of Monster was word perfect and she certainly had the attitude to accompany her rapping (pictured in 2016)

Bringing out Adele’s previously-unheard rapping skills – 2016

Adele’s rendition of Monster was word perfect and she certainly had the attitude to accompany her rapping.

Before her impromptu performance Corden said: ‘I heard a rumor that you – which may be surprising to some fans – are quite the rapper.’

During the feature, Adele also revealed that the first heartbreak she ever experienced was the moment Geri Halliwell left nineties pop band the Spice Girls.

Opening up to the host the international superstar confessed her undying love for the girlband.

‘It was a real important period of my life,’ Adele said, as the British chat show host drove her through London’s rainy Richmond Park in his Range Rover.

‘Girl power and just five ordinary girls who did so well and just got out,’ Adele said about wanting to escape an ordinary life.’

On her favourite member, Ginger Spice Geri, Adele continued: ‘That was the first time I was truly heartbroken, when she left,’ before Corden joked that her haunting ballad Someone Like You had obviously been written about the departure.

Hilarious host James then proceeded to turn up the volume to the Spice Girls’ hit song Wannabe and Adele belted it out like a pro. 

The ever-popular skit opened with Corden making a phone call, letting the phone ring before reciting the famous opening of her 2015 hit with: ‘Hello, it’s me. I was just wondering after all these years if you’d like to meet.’

Adele went on to reveal that she plays the drums on her comeback track, having got ‘lost in the moment’ when she laid down the vocals in the studio.

The beloved singer shared an insight into her bubbly personality when she spilled drink on her coat saying she’d just purchased it ‘out of the budget today,’ before proceeding to down the contents of the mug.

It led to their hilarious conversation about getting drunk, in which Adele spilled: ‘I got drunk three nights in a row recently…. because it’s Christmas.’ 

The singer began an anecdote about dinner with an old friend, admitting that said she’d arrived an hour early by accident, ‘like such a loser,’ she laughed.

After two glasses of wine, she admitted to approaching a neighbouring, unknown family, recalling: ‘I went over, a bit drunk, and I was like: “Did you call my name earlier? Sorry I had my security with me, sorry, he was being a protective.”

‘”Did I hear it was your birthday, let me get your meal for you?” So I paid for their meal, then I had another glass of wine and then my friend arrived and I had two more glasses of wine. Bearing in mind that I haven’t really had a drink for like eight months. 

‘And then the next day, in like, the park with my kid like [pulls a face] and I find this email address in my pocket of another family from Nashville who obviously told me the show was sold out so I got the email address to get them tickets to Nashville. This is what happens when I’m drunk.’ 

Corden – who previously experienced an awkward exchange with the singer at the Brit Awards 2012 when she stuck her middle finger up at him for interrupting her acceptance speech – then told the singer how much he likes her bob, saying she looked fine.

Responding to his flattery, Adele replied: ‘Aww thanks, I’m tempted to wear a wig. I’m going to us my hairline, but I can’t work out whether I should wear a wig wig or have a weave.’

Smiling wryly, the comedian quips: ‘I mean, what I like, is that you’re coming to me for this advice.’ 

The cute duo discussed her friendships with Beyonce and Jennifer Lawrence as well as the likelihood of her receiving a Tony for writing a musical because as she said ‘I ain’t got time for that.’

What a pair! Tom (right) dared talk show host James (left) to go skydiving with him after he teased him about how easy it looks (pictured in 2018)

What a pair! Tom (right) dared talk show host James (left) to go skydiving with him after he teased him about how easy it looks (pictured in 2018)

Skydiving with Tom Cruise – 2018

Tom dared talk show host James to go skydiving with him after he teased him about how easy it looks.

James initially gushed about Cruise’s stunts in his upcoming sequel Mission: Impossible  – Fallout and singled out a ‘HALO jump’ where he falls from 25,000 feet then opens his parachute close to the ground.

‘My question is… what’s wrong with you?’ Corden initially asked the star of the daring feat.

James, however, later pretended to be unimpressed, teasing Cruise, 56, about his stunt: ‘I thought it was meh. You say jumped, it’s falling through the sky.

‘I think we’re all getting carried away with the ‘Tom Cruise action hero’ thing,’ he quipped.

Smiling that there was ‘a little more to it than that’ and it ‘took 106 jumps to get it,’ Cruise then dared the host: ‘But if you’re interested I’m happy to take you if you wanna try it.

‘I mean if it’s so easy, you can come with me. Would you like to do it? I’m in town…’

It was unclear if it was meant as a serious offer, so James clarified it before excitedly telling Tom: ‘Sure, I’ll do it.’

‘Serious? Are you serious?’ Tom asked, getting up to shake his hand, with James seemingly surprising him as he again insisted with laughter: ‘Yes I am!’

It would not be the first time James took someone skydiving — with him admitting doing so with his late mother, Mary Lee South, as a Mother’s Day treat while he was filming Days Of Thunder in Florida in 1990.

Tom recalled how he surprised his mom, who died last year at age 80, at the airfield, with her calmly replying when he told her what he had planned: ‘Alright darling let’s go do it.’

He recorded the jump, kissing his mom in the air, and sent the footage to his three sisters who had no idea what they had done.

Getting them to open the videos all at the same time, he smiled: ‘They opened it and put it on and saw what we were doing and just [beep]ed themselves. They were like, ”What are you doing to our mother!”  

Of his late mom, he said: ‘She wasn’t necessarily a daredevil but she had just a wonderful sense of adventure.

‘She was someone who the cup was always half full. There was always a smile there, just a lovely, lovely woman.’ 

Tom also talked about one of his favorite movie set rituals — sending cakes to his crew, stuntmen and co-stars to live vicariously through their enjoyment as he keeps off sugar to stay in shape.

‘I love sugar but I can’t eat it because when I’m training I’m doing all these movies, so I send it to everyone, I send it to the stunt team, and I wait for the calls,’ he smiled.

James then told how the superstar had done a similar thing for him.

‘On the morning of the Grammys I woke up to someone knocking on my door, it was like 8am, and they presented me with an incredible chocolate cake and it was from Tom Cruise saying, ”Good luck with the Grammys”,’ he recalled.

Laughing, he said: ‘And I was like, ”This is how you look so good — you make everyone around you fat!” 

Tom also talked about the gym he always takes with him, saying: ‘Yeah, it’s called the Pain Cave and it says, ”Only the motivated may enter.”

Turning to James he insisted: ‘I saw you dance — I think you’d do pretty well in the Pain Cave. We have different levels of torture in there.’

Hilarious: David (left) was left fuming when James (right) unveiled a fake statue of the footballer ahead of his official LA Galaxy honour (pictured in 2019)

Hilarious: David (left) was left fuming when James (right) unveiled a fake statue of the footballer ahead of his official LA Galaxy honour (pictured in 2019)

Prank on David Beckham – 2019

David was left fuming when James unveiled a fake statue of the footballer ahead of his official LA Galaxy honour.

The former footballer, 43, was less than impressed as he branded the sculpture ’embarrassing’ and ordered the filming crew to ‘stop the cameras’.

Comedian James couldn’t contain his laughter as he watched the sportsman’s fury from the sidelines, before revealing the prank to a relieved David.  

Earlier in that month, LA Galaxy kicked off its 2019 season with a ceremony honoring the father-of-four, and unveiled his glittering statue during the event, which was attended by wife Victoria, 44.

However, in James’ true comedic fashion, the presenter switched out the real statue with ‘a less flattering’ piece just weeks ahead of the unveiling.

The host joked: ‘David said the chin and butt was too big, but we can go bigger on the chin!’ 

With a film crew documenting his journey to a private unveiling, the former Real Madrid star gushed: ‘It’s a special moment that I’ll be able to share with friends and family.’

On arrival, David quickly grew irritated when a fan, played by an actor’, referred to him as Dave, and purposely miscalled his former footballer team Manchester United for Manchester City.

Displaying his annoyance, the UNICEF ambassador hit back: ‘It’s Manchester United…my mum’s the only person who calls me Dave. You’re an interesting character!’

LA Galaxy president and former teammate Chris Klein, who James revealed is ‘someone David trusts’, was also in on the prank, as he showed the London native a clip of his worst games instead of his career highlights, causing the London native to shake his head in disappointment.   

Imitating real sculptor Omri Amrany, comedian Maz Jobrani walked on set to showcase the fake statue, which featured an unflattering chin, three teeth and massive posterior region.

Visibly enraged, David shouted: ‘This is different than what it was when I last saw it in Chicago.  

‘When we spoke, there was — I mean look at my chin! It doesn’t look like me though, look at my eyes. The only thing that’s good is the hair. Look at my bum, it definitely doesn’t look like that!’

He asked his close pal Chris: ‘Are you happy with this, what do you think? I really don’t see how this can go out!’

David went on to question the actor: ‘How can you change this in a short amount of time? My parents and wife are coming over. Look how long my arms are, I look like stretch Armstrong!’ 

Growing more and more furious by the second, the award-winning footballer ordered his film crew to stop recording. 

He continued to complain: ‘My wife is coming over, we’re lucky my kids [Brooklyn, 20; Romeo, 16; Cruz, 14, and Harper, seven] aren’t coming to the ceremony. If my kids were to see this, they would just cry.

‘I don’t want to offend you in any way, but its a big thing for me. That’s embarrassing’, David explained before attempting to leave the studio.

Turning up the shock factor, a bulldozer later crashed the sculpture, causing David to joke: ‘That’s probably done me a favour!’

Finally ending the prank, the star giggled when comedian James walked on set as he said: ‘Thank God for that!’

The One Man, Two Guvnors actor ended the clip: ‘A huge thanks to David Beckham for being such a great sport!’

Oh no! Harry Styles (bottom left) ended up losing a game of Tattoo Roulette with James on the Late Late Show, meaning he had to have the programme's name inked onto him (pictured in 2015)

Oh no! Harry Styles (bottom left) ended up losing a game of Tattoo Roulette with James on the Late Late Show, meaning he had to have the programme’s name inked onto him (pictured in 2015)

Tattoo Roulette with One Direction – 2015

It was a high stakes game of chance that would leave a permanent mark on the loser.

And Harry Styles ended up losing a game of Tattoo Roulette with James on the Late Late Show, meaning he had to have the programme’s name inked onto him.

The long-haired wonder, who is already covered in artwork, participated in the game with his One Direction sidekicks Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan and Liam Payne.

If James was to lose the game he would be forced to get 1D permanently marked onto his belly, and if one of the boys lost they would be inked with Late Late.

The funnyman said: ‘It’s a game that I’m already regretting thinking of.’

Five red boxes were lined up. One contained the word TATTOO and the other four said SAFE, and they each proceeded to pick one.

Liam was first with a safe box. He was followed by Louis who was also safe.

‘Look at your face,’ cackled the boys as James sweated through his drum roll, however he too was spared the tattooist’s gun.

Harry, who is already covered in drawings and words, drew the figurative short straw.

During the commercial break he was branded with the words in small text on his inner forearm.

Niall, the only member of the band who doesn’t already have a tattoo, was left as a virgin to the experience. 

Big star: Michelle joined James for a Beyonce-inspired joyride to become the latest celebrity to take part in his recurring and hugely popular Carpool Karaoke series

Big star: Michelle joined James for a Beyonce-inspired joyride to become the latest celebrity to take part in his recurring and hugely popular Carpool Karaoke series

Taking Michelle Obama out for a spin in Carpool Karaoke – 2016

Michelle joined James for a Beyonce-inspired joyride to become the latest celebrity to take part in his recurring and hugely popular Carpool Karaoke series.

The first lady and the late-night CBS host will attempt to match Queen Bey’s peerless choreography while singing her hit song Single Ladies as Michelle offers Corden a guided tour of Washington DC and White House.

‘I rarely get to listen to music in the car,’ Obama says to Corden in a preview clip released on Monday ahead of the airing on Wednesday. 

‘I’ve been in a car – maybe it was months ago – with my daughter, learning to drive. That was the only time in seven and a half years that I’ve been in the passenger’s seat listening to music, rocking out like this.’ 

Airing on Wednesday, Michelle and the Late Late Show host also blasted out This is For My Girls, an anthem dedicated to educating young women across the world.

The song, which was written by Grammy-winner Diane Warren, includes artists such as Kelly Clarkson, Missy Elliott, Janelle Monae, Kelly Rowland, Lea Michele and Zendaya.

The teaser also shows Corden and the first lady trying their hand at Beyonce’s trademarked Single Ladies choreography. 

AOL didn’t tell ahead of time whether any of the pop stars who recorded This Is For My Girls will join Obama and Corden in the Carpool Karaoke video, which was taped last month in Washington.

The song was released in March after the first lady spoke at the South by Southwest festival in Texas.

The tune benefits Let Girls Learn, an initiative launched last year by the first lady and President Barack Obama. It aims to address the barriers that keep more than 62 million girls around the world out of school.

Emotional: James (right) wiped streaming tears from his cheeks when Stevie Wonder (left) crooned to his wife Julia over the phone (pictured in 2015)

Emotional: James (right) wiped streaming tears from his cheeks when Stevie Wonder (left) crooned to his wife Julia over the phone (pictured in 2015)

Being brought to tears by Stevie Wonder – 2015

He’s already challenged himself to sing-offs with some music greats but James’ latest Carpool Karaoke session may be his best yet.

The Late Late Show host was joined by soul legend Stevie Wonder and nothing could’ve prepared him for the scenes that unfolded en-route to the television studio in the hilarious sketch which eventually reduced him to tears.

James discovered a new side to the singer as he didn’t pull any punches, confidently taking playful swipes at the chat-show host, namely at his British accent.

Before James could even get the tunes playing, Stevie started mimicking his British accent.

‘Nothing to do with me mate,’ he said. 

In between singing their hearts out to Stevie’s best hits – including Superstition, All Over and Sir Duke – James requested he phoned his wife Julia Carey as she was struggling to believe he was sharing a car journey with the man himself.

‘I just called to say, James loves you,’ he sang, serenading her.

James couldn’t believe his eyes or his ears when Stevie changed the lyrics and crooned to Julia: ‘I just called to say he loves you and he promised me he’ll let me be on his show for an hour.’

It all proved too much for the former Gavin & Stacey actor who held his head in his hands and wiped streaming tears from his cheeks.

What followed were highly entertaining scenes which saw James and Stevie sing their hearts out to the All Over hit-maker’s biggest hits.

So impressed by the Brit’s musical talents, he decided they were going to form a band together, entitled ‘The Wondercats’.

Stevie had high hopes for their new venture and joked: ‘We are going to headline every single place in the world.’

The duo hit it off and laughed uncontrollably throughout before sharing a warm hug at the end of the segment.

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