Perth: Australische Polizei erschießt bewaffneten Teenager nach einem Messerangriff, der „Merkmale“ von Terror aufweist

How Israel’s Eurovision contestant has faced death threats and fears of a terror attack, but declares: ‘I’m not worried – but I am prepared’

Chilling warning to America: Anti-Taliban resistance leader warns terror attack on US soil is a ‘matter of when, not if’

Terror auf Teneriffa: Zerstückelte Frauenleiche mit Plastiktüte über dem Kopf im Meer gefunden | Welt | Nachricht

Der echte Terror von James-Bond-Star Sean Connery, der es in den finalen Schnitt des 007-Films schaffte | Filme | Unterhaltung

Ruthless IRA boss Martin McGuinness is caught on camera helping to set up a car bomb which later blew up injuring 26 people – as lost 1972 documentary is recovered revealing the terror group taking part in bombings and shootings

Moscow attack suspect screams in terror in new footage of his capture as he is chased through woods by Russian troops who tell him they’ll ‘cut him up’, then slice off his ear and force him to eat it

Image shows Russian forces torturing Moscow terror suspect by hooking his genitals up to 80v battery leaving him foaming at the mouth – as new footage emerges of the slaughter that left more than 140 dead

Der litauische Außenminister sagt, dass die Hilfe für die Ukraine nun Putins künftigen Terror stoppen wird