The frontrunners for the next European Commission – POLITICO

NASA’s budget woes put ambitious space research at risk

Krypto-Risikokapitaltrends: Analyse für das erste Quartal 2024 von Galaxy Digital Research

Dartmouth Research deckt versteckte Gefahren in beliebten Meeresfrüchten auf

Bitcoin-Miner könnten nach der Halbierung 5 Milliarden US-Dollar in BTC abstoßen: 10x Research – Cointelegraph

Not learnt your lesson, Dragons’ Den? Couple promotes ‘libido-boosting’ supplements that lack scientific-backing, could just create a ‘placebo effect’ and used personal preference as research – (but at least the BBC’s added a health disclaimer this time!)

How patient-led research could speed up medical innovation

These six high-school students are making strides in cancer research: ‘Gives me hope’

Foundation for Neglected Disease Research Bangalore und Blockchain For Impact BFI arbeiten zusammen, um biomedizinische Innovationen zu beschleunigen