South Park will im kommenden Paramount-Special „The End of Obesity“ die Ozempic-Begeisterung persiflieren

MICHAEL MOSLEY: How ultra-processed food can put your child’s mental health at risk by increasing their risk of obesity, depression and anxiety

They’re linked to cancer, heart disease, diabetes – and our shocking obesity crisis. But what exactly are they and how can you avoid them? Britain’s top experts provide the definitive guide to cutting ultra-processed food from your diet

These four social media influencers were swept up by a movement that claims obesity is perfectly healthy… The tragic truth is they have all died under the age of 45

Why ARE so many young people suffering heart attacks? Rates have DOUBLED in a decade among some under-30s as experts insist soaring obesity rates are to blame

Could Ozempic Derail the Body-Positivity Movement?

DR PHILIPPA KAYE: Diets fail because obesity is a disease and only way to beat it is with treatment

A wonk’s guide to the Swedish EU presidency policy agenda – POLITICO

NHS shake-up to tackle cancer, obesity, mental health and addiction crises

Confronting the world’s number one killer: cardiovascular disease – POLITICO