UK’s daily Covid cases FALL for first time in a month in 5% weekly drop to 179,756

Archaeology: Search for the wreck of Shackleton’s lost ship, the Endurance, to begin NEXT MONTH

Salley Was Engaged a Month Before Clayton’s ‘Bachelor’ Season—Here’s What Happens to Her

Daily UK Covid cases breach 50,000 for first time in a month

Children can appreciate humour from one month old, study finds 

Britain’s daily Covid cases jump by 10% to highest level in a month

Black History Month: Schulen müssen Rassismus offen bekämpfen – neues Plädoyer veröffentlicht | Großbritannien | Nachrichten

Four in 10 GP appointments in England were still NOT face-to-face last month

Erbschaftssteuer: Sparer werden aufgefordert, den Free Wills Month zu nutzen, um die IHT-Gebühren zu mildern | Persönliche Finanzen | Finanzen

Tons of New Products Landed on My Desk This Month, But These 10 Were the Best