The Return of the Big Lie: Anti-Semitism Is Winning

‘US detectives can lie’: Criminologist reveals how Netflix true crime series American Nightmare exposes controversial interrogation technique that can lead to false confessions

Rocky Mountain Lie | The Nation

Hamas leaders claim Israel’s proof over who is to blame for Gaza hospital bombing is an ‘outrageous lie’ – despite IDF producing wiretapped call, video of ‘misfiring’ rocket and satellite photos to prove they didn’t launch missile

They Studied Dishonesty. Was Their Work a Lie?

Bruce Lehrmann trial inquiry: Sunrise Host Natalie Barr’s very pointed comment about Lisa Wilkinson as top prosecutor Shane Drumgold’s lie about her Logies speech is exposed

The big eco lie: Solar panels produce five TIMES more carbon dioxide than previously thought, report claims

World-leading oncologist in bid to reopen three cancer centres that lie idle | UK | News

Judge dismisses Trump’s ‘Big Lie’ lawsuit against CNN

Buchrezension: „To Name the Bigger Lie“ von Sarah Viren