Autorin Emily Henry beantwortet Fragen zu „Funny Story“ und neckt neuen Roman

Rezension zu „Funny Story“ – Emily Henry stellt die Phrase „Freunde zu Liebenden“ auf den Kopf | Bücher | Unterhaltung

Kel Mitchell gibt Fans Update über seinen gesundheitlichen Notfall – Chris Brown sagt „Hell to the Nah“ zu Dating Funny Marcos Schwester + mehr| PicVIDEOs

Hands off my romcoms! As Richard Curtis, the writer behind Love Actually and Bridget Jones, disowns his films’ un-woke humour after a scolding from his daughter, LIZ JONES says the jokes about weight were both funny and relatable

Wie viele Kinder haben Funny Mike und Jaliyah Monet?

Lea Michele beendet „Funny Girl“-Lauf am Broadway

Rezension: „Funny Things: A Comic Strip Biography of Charles M. Schulz“ von Luca Debus und Francesco Matteuzzi

Lifted by Lea Michele, ‘Funny Girl’ Recoups on Broadway

‘It’s definitely dark but not so funny’ – Maggie Moore(s) review | Films | Entertainment