Despite their ticket, three children disembarked because they were not registered

The departure on vacation was eventful for three children from Vieux-Condé and Lille (North). While they were supposed to join their respective mothers by train in Rennes from the capital of Flanders, they were disembarked at… Roissy – Charles-de-Gaulle station, reports The voice of the North.

The reason ? Not a question of valid tickets since all three were. No, the SNCF explained that young people aged 8, 11 and 13 should have been registered with the “Junior et Cie” service, to which they were registered.

A return trip to Roissy to pick up the children

“It is obligatory for this service to present yourself at least one hour before the departure of the train to ensure secure pick-up,” the group communicated to the regional daily. However, the parents arrived a few minutes before the train left, just in time to board.

One of the fathers sent complaints online, filed a handrail and finally sent an email to the president of the SNCF group, Jean-Pierre Farandou. He had gone to pick up his children in a hurry at Roissy.

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