Dallas: Eyewitness describes flood in the US metropolis

Watch the video: Eyewitness reports flooding in Dallas.

It rained heavily for 24 hours in the Texan metropolis of Dallas. The result was extreme flooding. Brittany Taylor, among others, was particularly affected, who reported her personal disaster on Monday: “It was my brand new apartment, where I only spent my second night. I had problems sleeping in the rain. I tried to be in the new rooms. But it was just so noisy that I finally got up and looked out the window – my apartment is a loft, so my bed is a bit higher. I look out and it looked like a river. There was water everywhere .I might as well have been on a boat – just the amount of water outside. And then I heard water rushing. And I realized the water was inside. At first I thought maybe the window was leaking. I went down the stairs and realized that my apartment was three feet under water.” Precipitation in Dallas significantly exceeded forecasts. The National Weather Service confirmed that flood warnings would remain in place for several days in some parts of the city.

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