Iran: Helicopter accident – ​​rescuers claim to have made contact with passengers

World events Iran

President Raisi involved in helicopter accident – ​​rescuers claim to have made contact

Dozens of emergency vehicles are jammed on a road near the suspected scene of the accident

Dozens of emergency vehicles are jammed on a road near the suspected scene of the accident

Source: picture alliance/dpa/Moj News Agency/Azin Haghighi

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The Iranian president and several high-ranking politicians are missing after a helicopter accident. Ayatollah Khamenei said the people “should not worry.” A major search and rescue operation is now underway, in which the EU is also taking part.

IIn Iran, officials say there is uncertainty about the fate of the 63-year-old more than seven hours after a helicopter carrying President Ebrahim Raisi crashed. On Sunday evening, the Red Crescent contradicted reports that the helicopter that crashed in an impassable mountain region, in which Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian was also traveling, had been found. “We still have hope, but the information coming from the crash site is very disturbing,” a person familiar with the events told Reuters. The helicopter crashed while flying over mountainous terrain in thick fog on the way back from a visit to the border with Azerbaijan.

According to reports in Iranian media, there was no contact with the president’s team for a long time, which fueled great concerns among government supporters. In the evening, Vice President for Executive Affairs Mohsen Mansuri said that contact had now been made with the crew.

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As darkness fell, the rescuers on site feared that the search would become more difficult. Sniffer dogs and drones were also used in the search. As Iranian media reported, the scene of the accident is near Jolfa – more than 600 kilometers from the capital Tehran, close to the border with Azerbaijan.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called on the population not to be worried or afraid, according to a report by the Irna news agency. “There will be no interruption in government operations,” assured the spiritual leader of the Islamic Republic. The people should “not worry”. Khamenei said he was praying for Raisi’s safety.

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Television channels interrupted their regular programming to broadcast prayers for Raisi nationwide. Iranian Armed Forces Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Mohammad Bagheri ordered all available army and Revolutionary Guard forces to be deployed to search for the wreckage of the American-made Bell 212, according to state TV.

Bad weather made the rescue operation difficult. “It’s dark and it’s started to rain,” reported a reporter on state television. Mud was hampering the search. In addition, the mountainous region was covered in fog. Footage was broadcast on television showing rescue teams combing through mountainous terrain in thick fog.

EU supports search

The European Commission announced that it would support Iran in searching for the site of the accident. EU Commissioner Janez Lenarcic, who is responsible for EU crisis aid, wrote on Platform The service claims to provide detailed, on-demand information for emergency situations by providing satellite-based geodata and images.

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Arab states, Azerbaijan and Russia also offered help in the search and expressed their sympathy and concern. The Turkish Defense Ministry announced on Sunday evening that it had dispatched an unmanned aerial vehicle for search and rescue operations. A helicopter will also be sent that has the ability to see things in the dark. The US State Department said it was closely monitoring the reports. US President Joe Biden was informed about the events.

A rescue team involved in the search

A rescue team involved in the search

Source: via REUTERS

Raisi flew to the border with Azerbaijan to inaugurate the Kis Kalasi Dam, a joint project with the neighboring country. Iran’s air force is considered to be very outdated and its modernization is making little progress in the face of strict international sanctions. Many planes and helicopters date from before the Islamic Revolution of 1979, when the country had close relations with the United States. Serious accidents and crashes occur again and again.

Government is criticized for repressive policies

Aliyev (r.) and Raisi inaugurated a dam on Sunday morning

Aliyev (r.) and Raisi inaugurated a dam on Sunday morning

Source: picture alliance/ Presidency

Raisi was sworn in as Iran’s new president in August 2021. The arch-conservative cleric officially became the successor to Hassan Rouhani, who was no longer allowed to run after two terms in office. As the leading candidate of the political hardliners and the preferred candidate and protégé of the religious leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Raisi won the presidential election in June with almost 62 percent of the vote. His government is criticized for its repressive policies and the economic crisis.

Born in Mashhad in 1960, Raisi is considered very influential within the Islamic system. He maintains a close relationship with Khamenei. Raisi worked in the judiciary for over three decades and was appointed head of the judiciary in 2019. In his previous role as public prosecutor, he is said to have been responsible for numerous arrests and executions of political dissidents in 1988, which earned him the title “Butcher of Tehran” from his opponents. According to the constitution, Raisi is head of government, Khamenei is more powerful as head of state and has the final say in all strategic matters.

This helicopter was supposed to fly Raisi and other politicians to Iran.  The photo shows the machine taking off from Azerbaijan

This helicopter was supposed to fly Raisi and other politicians to Iran. The photo shows the machine taking off from Azerbaijan

Source: picture alliance/dpa/IRNA/Ali Hamed Haghdoust

If Raisi and Amirabdollahian were killed in the accident, the Islamic Republic could be plunged into a domestic and foreign policy crisis. Iran’s foreign minister in particular has been more in the public eye since the beginning of the Gaza war and has been a guest of allies on numerous trips. It will also be difficult for the state leadership to quickly replace the head of government due to a lack of alternatives.

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