Election fraud: After birthday party: Giuliani informed about charges

Voter fraud
After birthday party: Giuliani informed about charges

Rudy Guiliani, former lawyer for Donald Trump, has been informed of his indictment in the election fraud case. photo

© Jose Luis Magana/AP/dpa

In April, Rudy Giuliani was indicted for election fraud. Now an early celebration of his 80th birthday for former US President Donald Trump’s lawyer is ending differently than expected.

Just as he was leaving a party for his 80th birthday, the former lawyer for ex-President Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani has been served with formal notice of his indictment in the election fraud case. The authorities had been trying in vain to send the document to Giuliani for weeks, as the New York Times reported on Saturday (local time).

They did not disrupt the birthday party on Friday evening, the newspaper wrote, citing a spokesman for Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes. The representatives of the authorities were waiting outside. Giuliani spokesman Ted Goodman said the delivery occurred after the party “as he walked to his car.” The prosecutor’s office was trying to expose Giuliani, he told CNN.

Formation of a conspiracy

Several of Trump’s former confidants were indicted in the state of Arizona in April in connection with attempted influence on the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. The defendants, including former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, are accused of conspiracy and fraud, among other things. They conspired to prevent the lawful handover of the presidency to election winner Joe Biden and to keep the “unindicted co-conspirator” in office against the will of Arizona voters, the indictment said. According to US media, this means Trump.

“No one is above the law,” Attorney General Mayes wrote on X and tagged Giuliani. He is the last defendant in the Arizona case who has now been served with the notice. The authorities have been trying repeatedly to reach Giuliani in New York for weeks. He is expected in court on Tuesday.

The long-time mayor of New York (1994-2001) only has his birthday on May 28th. According to US media, a member of the Republican Party invited people to an early birthday party in Palm Beach.

CNN New York Times Tweet from Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes


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