Cuxhaven: Student stabs a classmate in the classroom | – News – Lower Saxony

As of: December 21, 2023 12:55 p.m

In a classroom at a school in Cuxhaven, a student attacked and seriously injured a fellow student with a knife. The teenager was taken to a hospital.

The victim’s life is not in danger, said a police spokesman. The alleged perpetrator was temporarily arrested and taken into custody. According to the police, the two students at the primary and secondary school in the Lüdingworth district of Cuxhaven initially had an argument in the morning. The attack between the two secondary school students took place in front of their classmates. It is unclear whether a teacher was in the room at the time of the crime.

Police: No danger to other people

According to the information, the crime was reported around 9:30 a.m. Police and rescue workers were quickly on site because someone made an emergency call. The spokesman emphasized that it was not a shooting. There was no danger to other people. Classes at the school in Lüdingworth ended early. Teachers, parents and students were looked after by a crisis intervention team from the city of Cuxhaven.

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