Cum Ex: This is the hottest lead in the search for Berger’s millions – economy

Secret documents and statements suggest that cum-ex lawyer Hanno Berger managed to flee millions of euros to Dubai – and from there they flowed to his family in Switzerland. It is probably no coincidence that the money took exactly this route.


Jan Diesteldorf and Nils Wischmeyer

Hanno Berger, accused of being a key figure in the Cum-Ex tax scandal, is said to have moved more than 20 million euros in alleged loot to Dubai after fleeing to Switzerland in the past decade in order to protect it from access by the German authorities. Several people familiar with the matter say so. Previously secret documents that the Süddeutsche Zeitung and the WDR are now available for the first time showing the financial situation of the Dubai structure – and how money flowed from there into a real estate holding company in Switzerland and to family members of Hanno Berger.

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