Court cases: Always trouble with the neighbors – Panorama

court cases


Always trouble with the neighbors

Reading time: 3 mins

Court cases: Neighbor is watching (Neighbor is watching) is written on a garage near Kürten in the Rheinisch-Bergisch district.

Neighbor is watching is written on a garage near Kürten in the Rheinisch-Bergisch district.

(Photo: via images/Manngold)

Even celebrities are not immune to annoying neighbors: Jimmy Page and Robbie Williams have been arguing for years about loud music and a pool. German courts are also full of such conflicts. What to tolerate – and what not.


Wolfgang Janisch, Karlsruhe

Neighborhood is undoubtedly one of the strangest forms of social relationships. People who – if they had met somewhere else – would not have spoken to each other invite each other to eat, sometimes for decades, because they live next to each other. Others might have had much to talk about if unfavorable fate had not made them neighbors. Robbie Williams and Jimmy Page, for example, one a superstar for decades, the other as a former superstar Led Zeppelin-Guitarist already in legend status. Two musicians, albeit not exactly related musically.

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