Commentary on the Bundesliga: Bubbling springs in the once parched land – Sport

Bayern, Dortmund and Leverkusen are at the gates of the European finals and are proving that the often underestimated Bundesliga, which has recently been desperately looking for an investor, is better than it believes.

In Stuttgart, in Leipzig and especially in Dortmund, at the beginning of the week there was fear and prayer for those points in the European Cup that the Bundesliga still needed in order to get fifth place in the starting position for the next Champions League season. Those despondent who doubted the Bundesliga and their place in the UEFA rankings should take a look at the book of Isaiah, chapter 35, verses four to six. Do not be afraid!, it says, because the day will come when “the eyes of the blind will be opened,” “the dumb will shout for joy, the lame will leap like a deer, and the thirsty land will become bubbling springs.”

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