Comment on Corona: Ask children and young people for forgiveness


As of: April 7, 2024 1:45 p.m

A nationwide study commission is being called for to work out what conclusions need to be drawn from the Corona crisis. This is sorely needed, especially when it comes to children and young people.

How did Jens Spahn, Federal Health Minister of the CDU during the Corona years and one of the decision makers of the measures, say it? “We will have to forgive each other a lot.”

Politicians must ask for forgiveness, especially when it comes to children and young people. They were not allowed to go to the sports club, playgrounds were closed, school was canceled or only took place digitally. Provided there was a smartphone, tablet or computer at home.

Due to the curfews, there was no escape from home – a nightmare for every teenager. Hardly bearable for those who lived in cramped living conditions. Young people who secretly met in parks were publicly pilloried.

In retrospect, school closures are seen as unnecessary

Obesity, depression, huge gaps in education – various studies show the traumas of the Corona generation. Some child and adolescent psychotherapists even speak of a “lost generation.”

In retrospect, school closures lasting months are seen as a mistake and unnecessary. Those responsible for politics refer to the recommendations of the virologists and the RKI at the time. They, in turn, counter that the decision was always up to politicians.

This shifting of responsibility back and forth must stop. The wrong decisions made at the time must be clearly identified and processed. What’s more, they need to be redressed.

No time to catch up on fun things

The lives of millions of children and young people were put on pause by political action during the Corona years, only to be allowed to continue in exactly the same place afterwards. Addressing learning gaps? None!

At many schools, final exams will take place again this year without taking the lost school time into account. There are still not enough psychotherapy places for children and young people. The need is higher than ever.

Catching up on school trips or doing more things that are just fun? No time, because they have already missed so much learning material.

Long-term concepts are needed

The few billion euros that the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs made available to the states to catch up on learning deficits or leisure activities after the Corona period are nothing more than the famous drop in the ocean.

Long-term, well-funded concepts are needed for schools, daycare centers and all areas that look after children and young people. Their representatives must be at the table when the Corona period is now being dealt with.

Just like the young people themselves – so that something can heal. And so that when the next crisis comes, the formative years of an entire generation are not decided mindlessly.

Editorial note

Comments generally reflect the opinion of the respective author and not that of the editorial team.

Nina Amin, ARD Berlin, tagesschau, April 5th, 2024 2:48 p.m

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