“Chefs are afraid of ruining their careers,” explains MP Lætitia Saint-Paul

Is this the beginning of a #MeToo of the Armed Forces in France? The recent testimony of Manon Dubois, victim of repeated sexual violence when she was in the Navy, seems to have triggered something. The Renaissance MP for Maine-et-Loire, Lætitia Saint-Paul took the subject head on. She says she, in just a few days, received around thirty testimonies similar to that of Manon Dubois. Testimonies that come after others, received since she became an MP.

Elected in 2017, Laetitia Saint-Paul was then the first career soldier to arrive at the National Assembly since 1918. She intends to put this experience to good use: “Emmanuel Macron’s ambition in 2017 was indeed d ‘have all-round profiles which allowed for in-depth knowledge of the inside. And there, I tell myself that I am completely in my role. ” Interview.

This is not exactly the first time that cases of sexist and sexual harassment, or even sexual violence, have affected the Army. Why do tongues seem to be loosened now?

Every year since I became an MP, I have had testimonies on my desk that are copied/pasted from that of Manon Dubois. A young recruit facing a recognized, experienced executive, well-known to his hierarchy. The desire to excuse the culprit while the victim has not yet proven herself, goes on sick leave, the military psychiatrist who declares her unfit… In short, the victim finds herself dismissed from the institution and the culprit prospers .

So when The Western Mailthe newspaper of my region, asked for my testimony in mid-Marchit didn’t make a crease : I expressed my affection and sympathy for this young victim, assuring her that she was not alone and that it was close to my heart. From this public position, I received these thirty testimonies, including twenty in five days. And Manon Dubois ended up testifying openly. This is proof that there was a need.

In the case of Manon Dubois, the attacker was punished with a ten-day suspension. Calling you a “farce” on this subject…

Nobody likes scandal, least of all armies. Leaders are afraid of ruining their careers after reporting something bad that happened in their unit. Whereas the one who denounces and corrects, who does his job, should have a letter of congratulations!

Studies show it: in any company, there is a risk of sexual assault of 1 in 1,000. So you imagine in an institution with a little more than 200,000 military personnel, a little more than 60,000 civilians, without count reservists?… Obviously, it happens, it exists. It is common to the whole of society.

Furthermore, the promiscuity of the military lifestyle can aggravate the situation. We have to move from a logic where we think we are going to be discredited because there was a problem to a logic where we confront the problems. And it’s even a source of pride to resolve them.

Until now, the response from the army was the Témis platform, which exists to receive possible testimonies. Why is this not enough?

The problem is that behind the Témis platform, there are only four people. With the figures that I have just given you, it is up to you to judge whether it is sufficient. There is also toxic management and moral harassment which are not taken into account at all, even though they can be real abuses. And not all regiments have it plastered on all the walls. I still deal with victims who tell me: “No, I’ve never heard of it. » Another problem: the cell is internalized.

You yourself shared your personal experience at Saint-Cyr, which was the subject of a damning investigation in 2018 in Release. In your opinion, there is a problem from training, from recruitment?

I wouldn’t have bothered to testify if things had changed. At the time the investigation was released, I told Florence Parly [alors ministre des Armées] : “I accredit to the nearest comma what appears in this article. I fully understand that we will seize it. » I have the feedback that there has not been a big evolution since 2018. I think that most of the regiments are functioning well. And my career bears witness to this: I participated in two external operations, I commanded my company in Germany… I had a great career without any problems.

The problem I had was in training. I believe that there are “nests” in certain places and that we must particularly look very carefully at training centers and military high schools. It’s a certainty. The problem is impunity. When, in my company, I was confronted with a case similar to that of Manon Dubois, I discovered that this executive under my command was not at all a beginner in this area. The institution must be able to get rid of those who dishonor the uniform.

THURSDAY, the Ministry of the Armed Forces has published an instruction on the management of cases of gender-based and sexual violence. What is she saying ?

This type of instruction is broadcast to all units. With reading on the parade ground, if necessary. It can’t not brew. It is important to say that having this type of instruction in a few days is an event. If Manon Dubois had been an isolated case, it would not have existed. This means that the ministry knows what is happening and has understood that these directives do not apply. This ministerial instruction completely supports my words. She speaks in particular of the necessary quality of listening to complainants. It’s primordial. She announces that the plaintiffs’ legal fees will be covered by the State: this is a huge step forward.

There are also, finally, decisions on precautionary measures, the suspension of the functions of the agent or soldier in question. “It aims to preserve the serenity necessary for the smooth running of the service and the investigation. I therefore ask you to use it systematically as long as the facts present sufficient plausibility. » This formula is very important, because it is obviously not a question of removing the presumption of innocence. These terms protect everyone.

I imagine there are other measures you are considering?

I believe that we must move forward on the harmonization of sanctions between the armies. It is also necessary to be able to alert on past history. We are still a “company” that moves a lot, we are constantly transferred and there is no memory. I had confidence in this executive who attacked one of my young recruits. I didn’t know what happened to him before. Regardless, this is a great first step, although there are other topics to cover, I will address them in the action plan I am currently writing.

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