Bureaucracy: Road transport slows down wind energy – Economy

Wind energy is considered to be one of the beacons of hope in the energy transition. But the transport of the turbines, which weigh several tons, and the overlong rotor blades with special vehicles on Germany’s roads is severely slowed down by lengthy official permits. The system manufacturers often wait months for the necessary approval from the authorities before the transporters with the components can set off.

With a backlog of more than 15,000 outstanding applications, the projects are being significantly delayed, according to numerous companies. Extended storage costs for steel tower segments, generators and rotor blades run into the millions. “If nothing changes, it could cost an additional 115 million euros by the end of the year,” says Felix Rehwald, spokesman for wind turbine manufacturer Enercon.

Transport permits are required to drive heavy loads across bridges and highways. Sometimes structures and street signs need to be dismantled, while some loads require police escorts. Other transports can only be accomplished at night. “This is currently one of the most urgent challenges for us and our competitors,” continued Rehwald. For example, parking spaces for trucks are too scarce and the costs for permits have increased tenfold, says a spokesman for wind turbine manufacturer Nordex.

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