Bavaria: CSU politician Franz-Joseph Pschierer wants to switch to the FDP – Bavaria

About a year before the state elections in Bavaria, there is a prominent exit in the CSU. The former Economics Minister Franz Josef Pschierer is leaving the CSU, leaving its parliamentary group and moving a few rows of chairs to the FDP. She found that out Southgerman newspaper on Wednesday from circles of state politics.

Pschierer, 66, has been one of the dissatisfied in the CSU parliamentary group for a long time, his relationship with Prime Minister Markus Söder is considered broken, so the loss should not particularly shake the party internally. As far as the external impact is concerned, things look different. After the Liberals only presented Susanne Seehofer, daughter of the former CSU boss and Prime Minister Horst Seehofer, as a direct candidate for the FDP Munich-Mitte on Sunday, they are likely to sell the Pschierer personnel as a further coup.

Under Seehofer, Pschierer was initially State Secretary in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, under Prime Minister Söder he rose to head of the house in March 2018. Six months later, after the 2018 state elections, Söder removed him from the cabinet. Hubert Aiwanger took over his post from the Free Voters.

After that, Pschierer repeatedly criticized the course of CSU boss Söder, especially the closures in retail and the conditions for the economy in the Corona crisis went too far for him. With his move to the FDP, Pschierer will inevitably also give up his position as head of the Mittelstands-Union, the business wing of the CSU.

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