Attention ! 8 fatal mistakes to never make in the garden in May!

Garden Mistakes May
© istock

Do not weed

In May, if the milder temperatures are favorable for the development of vegetation, they are also that of weeds. Whether in your lawn, but also in your flowered areas, it is important to weed regularly so as not to find your land invaded by weeds, commonly called weeds.

To avoid having to spend too much time on this thankless task, whether in your flowerbeds or in your flowerbeds, remember to plant or sow sufficiently closely to limit the development of these undesirables, but be careful, for the health of your plants, do it by finding the right balance between too tight and not tight enough. You can also use mulch to cover empty areas.

Remember that nature does not like emptiness and systematically fills it.

Plant all over the place

Just because the old adage says “in May, do as you please,” doesn’t mean you can do anything and everything. Depending on your region and especially if you live at altitude, it is greatly preferable to refrain from planting, sowing, taking plants out of their shelter, etc. as long as the last risks of frost have not passedthat is to say until around mid-May.

This will allow you to avoid losing all the fruit of your efforts due to a late frost episode. Likewise, be sure to choose plants adapted to the climate of your region, but also whose growing conditions suit your land.

Trim the hedges

If you like everything to be well ordered, here again, you will have to take it upon yourself and avoid pruning all trees, shrubs, etc. that come to hand. You should, of course, not prune those which are flowering in spring and for those which have dead branches, it is better to wait for the young shoots to appear, because pruning too early could reduce their vigor and their number.

Furthermore, do not forget that, generally speaking, It is recommended not to trim hedges from March 15 until August 31. This recommendation aims to preserve biodiversity and, more particularly, the protection of birds which can thus nest in peace, etc.

Mow too much

With the return of sunny days, everyone wants to get their garden spotless again. However, always in the interest of preserving biodiversity, it is advisable to let the grass grow. It is therefore recommended to space out the mower passes and adjust your blade so as not to cut too short.

But biodiversity will not be the only one to benefit from these simple actions, your lawn too! Indeed, in the event of a late frost, the roots will be less in the front line, as well as in the event of a drought, a little later.

Don’t worry about watering

Many departments encounter problems early drought problems and you may be in an area affected by restrictions. To find out precisely if this is the case, as well as what you are allowed to do or not in your region, you can consult the VigiEau website directly.

On this site, you will find out if you are authorized to fill your swimming pool, clean your terrace, or even water your garden or vegetable garden. In any case, there is still time to protect your back for this summer by installing water collectors which, if a few showers fall in your region, will ensure some small watering during the summer.

Fertilize the soil

Eh yes, fertilizing in spring is generally unnecessary. This is explained by the fact that, throughout the fall, the plants have built up reserves before going into winter rest. When they wake up, they have enough to live without you needing to provide them with more nutrients which, contrary to the expected effect, could be harmful to them.

Cutting the foliage from the bulbs

In May, the tulips, daffodils and colchicums have finished flowering. If the flower stalks disappear quickly, the foliage remains in place for a while. Even if it feels messy, it’s important to Refrain from cutting the leaves until they are completely dry. And for good reason, this is how the bulb regenerates so that it can reappear the following year.

Water in the evening

In May, it is important to opt for morning watering. If this is so, it is because during this period, night temperatures can still drop relatively low, which means that by watering in the evening, you risk putting your plant in difficulty compared to this freshness. .

Good to know : In summer, it is better to invert and water in the evening.

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